Koufax Nominees 2005

The Koufax Nominations are out – well, partly. More categories are coming, but there are two categories in particular which are a gold mine of undiscovered left-bloggy goodness.

120 (give or take) Best New Blogs of 2005
Skimming the list, I see at least two blogs I now find indispensable – The Happy Feminist and I Blame The Patriarchy.

Blogs Most Deserving of Wider Recognition 2005

Some of the nominees in this category are already faves of mine: Pinko Feminist Hellcat, The Happy Feminist (deja vu!), I Blame The Patriarchy (double deja vu!), Echidne of the Snakes, Lawyers Guns and Money, and Blackprof.com. (There are probably others that I missed, of course.)

One blog that wasn’t nominated in this category, but should have been, was the constantly excellent Official Shrub.com Blog (I feel bad for not having nominated it).

The great thing about these categories, however, isn’t the great blogs you know – it’s the chance to discover great blogs you’ve never heard of.

Maziltov to all the nominees. And if you have a few spare bucks and want to give thanks for the astonishing amount of work that goes into running the awards, I’m sure Wampum would appreciate something in the tip jar.

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8 Responses to Koufax Nominees 2005

  1. Pingback: feminist blogs

  2. Lake Desire says:

    Even if Shrub.com was excluded from the list, I’m always happy to see a shout-out to my favorite blog.

  3. Wow. That means a lot coming from you — thank you.

  4. tekanji says:

    Amp:, as always, you are too kind. It gives me a warm fuzzy to know that a blogger I like and respect likes and respects me right back.

  5. Stephanie says:

    What about Democracy Arsenal (www.democracyarsenal.org)? That’s my fave of the year for lefty blogs, hands down. Far more substance than most, but not without a sense of humor.

  6. kactus says:

    I for one am thrilled to see I Blame the Patriarchy getting the recognition it deserves. A daily dose of Twisty is necessary for my mental health.

  7. Twisty says:

    Y’all are too kind. Like I always say, a plug from Alas beats a slug in the ass!

  8. NorwegianLiberal says:

    DED Space was nominated in this category by several people, but left off of the list. When readers protested, they were given a lame explanation, or–in my case–responded to with sarcasm.

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