Monday Baby Blogging: "We Only Looked Away For A Minute!"

What could be yummier than chocolate pudding?

Sydney covered in chocolate pudding

“Come down here with your camera,” Kim told me. “We only looked away for a minute.”

Sydney covered in chocolate pudding

Here Sydney scoops up some pudding from her tray into her mouth….

Sydney covered in chocolate pudding

…And then takes a somewhat more direct approach.

Sydney covered in chocolate pudding

Look how proud of herself she is!

Sydney covered in chocolate pudding

Feeding daddy some nummy pudding.

Sydney covered in chocolate pudding

All in all, a good day.

(What happened next, of course, is that I lifted the tray table away while Daddy swooped in and lifted Sydney up. He then carried Sydney at arms-length into the shower before she had the chance to touch anything. I was impressed by how smooth an operation it was, but we didn’t get any good pictures of it, alas.)

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10 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging: "We Only Looked Away For A Minute!"

  1. Pingback: feminist blogs

  2. sabele26 says:

    Aah the delights of chocolate pudding – or instant freckles as we called it in our family. A couple of my younger siblings discovered the joys of blowing raspberries with a mouthful of chocolate pudding whilst older siblings were feeding you! Don’t tell Sydney – although she looks about 2 weeks away from figuring that one out on her own!

  3. LAmom says:

    I see that her smart parents had undressed her before they sat her down to eat.

  4. Kim (basement variety!) says:

    I still can’t figure out how she got the pudding in a streak down her forehead and face like the crow. It was perplexing when she did it, and even more perplexing now as I look at it in photo.

  5. lucky says:

    I think brown’s her color!

  6. AndiF says:

    Thanks for this. I was planning on spending my evening being mopey about Alito but Sydney saves the day.

  7. Ledasmom says:

    Yep, that’s more-or-less what my son looked like after the berry cobbler, except his decorations were purple and he was asleep.

  8. FurryCatHerder says:

    My favorite “I’m wearing my food!” photo is from Tiny Munchkin’s first birthday. The birthday cake had blue and yellow icing and that’s what Tiny Munchkin was wearing before all was said and done.

  9. Sarahlynn says:

    Is that unusual? It looks like normal everyday mealtime to me! (from another mom of a two-year-old)

  10. RIPizzo says:

    Funny shot.
    Click on my link for when my friend’s daughter was left alone for a minute! lol
    Thanks for sharing your cute moment!

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