For no apparent reason, this
story is currently front-page news on
A six-year-old boy has been suspended from an elementary school in Ohio after he rushed to the French window at his home to signal the approaching school bus to wait for him – neglecting to put some clothes on first in his excitement.
His mother said school officials in Canton ordered him to sign a statement saying he understood the sexual harassment charge against him, then handed him a three-day suspension.
That is outrageous. In fact, it’s idiotic. But it also happened more than two years ago; time to move on, guys.
Still, seeing it on made me curious enough to spend five minutes doing research. The full story – which isn’t told on (I’m sure they don’t know it), nor by the right-wing pundits who hyped this story (such as John Leo) – doesn’t end with the suspension. What the pundits don’t say is that after the principal suspended the boy, the school district reversed the principal’s decision, cleared the boy’s record, and issued an official statement of “regret” for the incident. They also don’t mention that the real problem, according to the boy’s attorney, is the school’s "zero tolerance" policy.
"The problem is these administrators say, I want zero tolerance, period…
This is just an example of that."
The whole truth illustrates flaws in the “zero tolerance” policies conservatives have favored. Which may explain why, two years later, conservatives are still telling only part of the story.
Maybe redo this cartoon with Gavin Newsom as the "if I give in" politician.