Maryland Legislature Votes Against Same-Sex Marraige Ban

As you may recall, last month a lower court in Maryland ruled that Maryland’s ban on same-sex marriages is unconstitutional. (That ruling is on hold pending appeal.)

At the time, I was glad about the ruling but fretted that it might set off an amendment to the Maryland Constitution banning same-sex marriage. Happily, the legislature in Maryland recently voted against amending their Constitution to ban SSM.

The final decision on SSM in Maryland will eventually be made by the Maryland Supreme Court, and that’s no sure thing, alas; but in the meanwhile this is good news.

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6 Responses to Maryland Legislature Votes Against Same-Sex Marraige Ban

  1. Pingback: feminist blogs

  2. Woman says:

    Ohio, on the other hand…

  3. Daran says:

    Let me get this straight. The legislature has voted for a law banning SSM, but against an amendment making that law constitutional.

    Um, good…, er…, I think.

  4. Ampersand says:

    Daran, it makes more sense than it may at first appear – the anti-SSM law was passed a couple of decades ago, shortly after they passed the Maryland ERA.

  5. Pingback: The Debate Link

  6. a nut says:

    We here in Virginia aren’t doing so hot with the anti’s at the moment. We vote, in November, whether to incorporate the Marriage Protection Act into our constitution or not.

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