"How would he like it if I went round claiming that he gave me his full backing when I sent the tsunami last year?"

I’m a big fan of Steve Bell’s cartoons, have been long before I could understand them (my parents had If cartoon books when I was a kid). But it wasn’t until recently that I realised that the crazy look Tony Blair always has on his face wasn’t hyperbole, but just good drawing. In case there was any doubt Tony Blair has recently used God as back-up in his decision to invade Iraq. I would try to comment on this, but Terry Jones has already done so, and he was a Python, so chances are he’s funnier than me:

A source says Gabriel has spent days trying to dissuade the Almighty from loosing a plague of toads upon the Blair family. Gabriel reminded God that Cherie and the children had nothing to do with Tony’s decisions. God’s response, it is reliably reported, was: “Blair says the Iraqis are lucky to have got bombed, so how can he complain if his family gets a few toads in the bath?”

PS speaking of plagues of frogs go check out the Brick Testament – because a plague of frogs in lego is an experience not to be missed.

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11 Responses to "How would he like it if I went round claiming that he gave me his full backing when I sent the tsunami last year?"

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  4. 4
    Robert says:

    Tony Blair did not use God as a justification for invading Iraq.

  5. 5
    Juliette says:

    Those cartoons are wonderful, and I’ve often wish someone would make one of me.

  6. 6
    nobody.really says:

    No disrespect to the estimable Mr. Jones, but it’s hard to top The Onion.

    (By the way, which Lego kit contains frog-shaped pieces?)

  7. 7
    Grace says:

    There are no actual frogs in the Brick Testament picture! I’ve been cheated! I’m going to sue!!

  8. 8
    nobody.really says:

    ‘Course not. Didn’t you see the disclaimer? “No actual frogs were harmed in the making of this Testament.”

    You don’t find a similar disclaimer in the Book of Exodus. Hmmm….

  9. 9
    Grace says:

    No LEGO frogs. Just Moses and God. Bo-ring.

  10. 10
    Maia says:

    There are actual lego frogs – you just have to keep going through the story until the frogs appear.

  11. 11
    Grace says:

    OK, I’m an idiot. Apologies. The frogs rule. :)