Remember, feel free to leave links to whatever you’d like in the comments, or anything else you feel like bringing up.
This Ain’t Livin’: Second Big Fat Carnival
Blac(k)ademic: Third Radical Women of Color Carnival
The First Carnival of Empty Cages
Veganism isn’t my bag, but if it’s yours, you’ll find a lot of interest here.
Femivist: April 18th is Blog To Increase Awareness About Sexual Violence Day
Follow the link to sign up.
New To The Blogroll: Women’s Space/The Margins
A new blog by Heart – aka Cheryl – and her associates (“Alas” readers are familiar with Heart from her occasional participation in the comments here). I’m really excited about this blog; despite our disagreements, Heart’s been one of my favorite internet writers for years.
New To The Blogroll: Abyss2home: A Rape Survivor’s Zigzag Journey Into The Open
Thoughtful and well-written analysis of rape-related issues from a rape survivor.
New To The Blogroll: The Headpiece Of The Staff Of Ra
Smart and sensible posts from a philosopher/feminist/computer gamer.
New To The Blogroll: On The Whole
Kick-ass fat acceptance blog, with an emphasis on skeptical looks at how the media deals with fat.
New To The Blogroll: Real Men Are Not
“A blog that examines the destructive social construction of masculinity and what “real men” are.” It’s like someone went and invented exactly the blog I want to read.
Definition: On “Political Correctness” and Privilege
When you say “I’m sick of being PC”, what you’re saying is “I’m sick of treating others as equals”. When you say “It’s so much trouble to make sure I’m not offending someone” what you’re saying is “It’s too much trouble to be kind”. (And when you say “I hate that everyone’s trying so hard to be ‘fair’ to every group out there”, you’re not only being totally horrible, but obviously living in a delusional alternate universe, but that’s neither here nor there.)
Climacteric Clambake: Strength Comes From Refusing To Be Shamed
To quote Jill, “a must-read narrative on the author’s experience with sexual assualt.”
Woman of Color Blog: Brownfemipower on Western Feminists Ham-Handed Use of Burka Images
This is what intelligent intra-feminist critique looks like. Make sure to read Brownfemipower’s followup post, as well.
Alternet: Wilcox and Nock “Working Wives Are Unhappy” Study An Outlier
Over the past 15 years, some 20 studies have looked at the association between women’s employment and earnings and their marital happiness. […] They all tell the same story: Employed women are as happy (and perhaps happier) in their marriages as non-employed women and having an income generally improves a woman’s marital happiness. (Curtsy: Freedom Rider).
The Guardian: Is Feminist Blogging a Useful Activist Tool or Plaything of the Privileged?
Objectivist v. Constructivist: Debating The Status Of Women In The U.S.
That Constructivist can get pretty darn sarcastic. Curtsy: Ilyka Damen.
Obsidian Wings: Bush Cancer Diagnosis “Cuts” Will Kill People And Cost Taxpayers More
“You don’t save money by not diagnosing cancer early. You end up spending more money because anyone who develops cancer will get into the health care system and they will be treated. And the cost at that point will be a lot more. The logic here is very simple: the later you diagnose cancer of the breast or cervix, the more expensive it is to the country.”
I don’t comprehend how anyone, even a Republican, could think this is good policy. Curtsy: F-Words.
Feministe: Feminism, Trans, and Boundaries
Piny uses some of his and Spit’s exchange on this “Alas” thread as a springboard for further discussion.
Overheard In Law School
I love this sort of thing – a blog by countless law students, consisting of funny things they or their professors have said.
Women’s Space/The Margins: Feminist Alliances
If kindness, generosity, acceptance, friendship, patience with, appreciation of, a woman equals my endorsement of all of her politics, my stamp of approval on everything she says and does, I’ll have to kick 99 percent of the feminist women in my life to the curb.
La Queen Sucia: On Idiotic Media Coverage of Immigration
Women’s Space/The Margins: Husband On Strike
I think it’s entirely typical that a man who would create that particular list of demands also would assume his past as a sex offender should be irrelevant.
Abyss2hope: Ethical Interrogations and The Rape Victim
Marcella discusses how abusive interrogation techniques can harm rape victims.
Bitch|Lab: What Should White People Do?
MoJo Blog: Immigration and Wages
Paul Krugman, in an op-ed that was surprisingly negative on immigration yesterday, pointed out that unskilled immigration drives down wages for low-income workers here in America. Well, sure, that’s true, but that’s an argument for living wages, policies to promote full employment, and the expansion of basic rights to organize. Immigrants who can participate in and strengthen the labor movement in this country will help all workers, native or otherwise. Under the current regime, corporations can use immigration and “guest worker” policies to import a captive labor force, underpay them, and then drive down wages, which accounts for a good deal of the effect Krugman worries about.
The Bipolar View: I Love Andrea Dworkin, Part 1
I can’t wait for part 2. Curtsy: Sinister Girl.
The Y Files: Cathy Young on Islamophobia
Pandagon: The Gang Rape Is The Essential Scene Of Patriarchy
My favorite post I’ve read in the last week; spot-on analysis from Amanda. Ginmar’s post commenting on Amanda’s is excellent, also.
The urge to tell gay men how to behave comes in many, many forms. Historically, it often comes by proxy too, implicit in the critique of women, women’s sexuality and the belittling of femininity in general: witness Nancy boys, Girly Men, Pansy, Mary, Sissy, Mama’s Boy, Mollycoddle.
Fetch Me My Axe: Dorothy Allison on “Sex-Positive” Feminism
Abyss2hope: Duke Rape Case and “Innocent Until Proven Guilty”
Rapists become rapists when they rape not when they are convicted of rape. A not-guilty verdict doesn’t magically erase what really happened.
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