I’m in Chicago at CAKE (Chicago Alt Comics Expo) This Weekend

I’m in Chicago for CAKE (Chicago Alt Comics Expo) at table 313, both today and tomorrow.

It’s free to attend, so if you’re in Chicago, I hope you’ll come say hi. (And let me know you’re an “Alas” reader! I love meeting “Alas” folk.)

I’ll have HEREVILLE with me, of course. And I’ll be selling the first issue of SUPERBUTCH. And I’ll have a few minicomics, as well, including 36 ANNOYING ANTIFEMINISTS I’VE MET ON THE INTERNET. Hope to see you there!


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3 Responses to I’m in Chicago at CAKE (Chicago Alt Comics Expo) This Weekend

  1. nobody.really says:

    Nice Hereville sidewalk scene. Is it from one of the books? Or is there a new book in the works?

    (Not trying to pull you away from Superbutch, but I miss Mirka.

    Yet maybe we don’t have to choose? As DC and Marvel have demonstrated, we can create comics that combine the utterly incompatible storylines of different superheros. So why not a Justice League of Intersectionality, a/k/a SuperDeutch?)

  2. nobody.really says:

    Er, let’s make that SuperDeutsch.

    In other cartoon news, Obama submits draft memoir in graphic novel form: “I bet Batman: Year One illustrator [David] Mazzucchelli would be perfect for capturing the mood of a war-weary nation in those scenes,” Obama continued, saying he would be open to collaboration with outside colorists. “God, that would look so freaking cool.”

    Yeah, it’s an Onion strory, but so what?

  3. Ampersand says:

    It’s the final page of the third Hereville book. I’m glad you like it. :-)

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