Pepsi: Our Good Will Ambassador

I’ve made “Alas” a hundred pixels wider than it was – I hope that won’t be a problem for many folks. If it’s a big problem, let me know.

From Daniel Fireside, writing in Dollars and Sense magazine:

In an effort to shore up the United States’ international image, Karen Hughes, Bush confidante and Public Relations Czarina, has hit on a new strategy to boost global goodwill: when all else fails, send in the CEOs. According to the Wall Street Journal, Hughes has … convinced PepsiCo head Steve Reinemund to visit Guatemala in the wake of Hurricane Stan.


Not a great cartoon, but I think the drawing is pretty good.

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14 Responses to Pepsi: Our Good Will Ambassador

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  4. Robert says:

    The added pixels really foul things up in Firefox. It looks great in IE, though.

    You Microsoft tool.

  5. Robert says:

    Huh. Actually after refreshing a couple of times it looks fine in Firefox as well. NVM.

  6. Dianne says:

    Hmm…I’m using IE (not my fault: I can’t install anything else on my work computer), and I’m getting problems with the borders (not terrible, just noticible). I’ll try a couple of refreshes and see if that works.

  7. Dianne says:

    Interetsingly, yes, refreshing did work. I recommend anyone having problems try that before taking further action.

  8. What the hell do you mean, “not a great cartoon”? Enough with the false modesty, please; your cartoons rock, and quite reliably. They take the material that otherwise would make me sad and embittered and instead give me a laugh, and increased fortitude. Thank you for that.

  9. Apurva says:

    Methinks it is a pretty good cartoon…

  10. mousehounde says:

    Silly question… What does the 100 extra pixels do? Just make the page wider? Now in both Firefox and IE there is a scroll bar at the bottom of the screen and I can see all of comments and part of the links/comments on the right, or I can scroll and see part of comments and all of links/comments. Not a big thing, just rather annoying.

    And I think the cartoon is great. The last frame was spot on with the middle man lackey assuring the workers while giving them up.

  11. Jake Squid says:

    I second mousehounde’s entire comment.

  12. acm says:

    I like the cartoon — had wondered if you were drawing anymore, since we never hear about it (and I can’t find links to your archives in that library of a sidebar)…

    nice to see it!

  13. Ampersand says:

    Mousehounde, the main column of content is now 550 pixels wide where it was 450 pixels wide before, which enables me to include larger images than I could before. This, in turn, lets the lettering on my cartoons be more legible.

    The total thing is 800 pixels wide – so your browser window much be narrower than 800 pixels, which is (I think) unusually small.

    How close a thing is it for you? If I changed it to 500 pixels (50 pixels narrower than it is now), would that help?

  14. Ampersand says:

    Thanks to everyone who said they like the cartoon. Keep in mind that I post them here two months after I send them to Dollars and Sense (so they can have first publication rights), so for me the honeymoon period is over by the time I post them. :-)

    Right now I like the one I just did (“Top Ten Reasons We Want Prison, Not Treatment, For Drug Addicts”). But two months from now, when you folks see it, its flaws will be much more evident to me. :-)

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