Oregon Pastor Predicts God Will Smite Portland on Father's Day

You heard it right, my friends – according to an Oregon pastor’s prophecy, God so hates the queers, he’s prepared to destroy Portland. There will be earthquakes, floods, and buildings collapsing atop the LGBT Pride Parade. Thousands of queers (along with goodness knows how many non-queer allies and street vendors) will be sucked into the Earth’s gaping maw and crushed moments before their lungs fill with water and then they are finally killed by falling bricks. (Salem and the entire Willamette Valley are predicted to get it too, but I get the feeling that they’re just His collateral damage.)

It sounds like a terrible Father’s Day, frankly. You’d think the Father of All would pick some other day for carnage, but no. And why us? San Francisco is much gayer, Lord. Smite them! Smite them!

Here’s an intriguing detail from the Pastor’s dream – just in case anyone survives His earthquake, His flood and His collapsing buildings, God is conspiring to use terrorists to wipe out the survivors as they crawl from the damp rubble.

I saw a group of men. I think that there was about twenty of them. They all had large automatic weapons. I had the feeling that they were terrorists but I’m not sure. There were a few survivors wandering around, dazed from their injuries from the earthquake. Whenever this group of men came upon anyone wandering around, they would kill them.

You heard that right, folks – God is working with the terrorists! Just like Saddam did!

Well, I for one refuse to give in to God’s terror tactics and terrorist demands. I propose that on Father’s day, June 18th, every true-blooded American should have queer sex. And lots of it.. Do it whether you like it or not – because this isn’t about sexual pleasure, this is about standing up to the terrorists! If we don’t all have queer sex on Father’s day, then the terrorists will have won!!!

In the short time that remains, let’s prepare to Have Queer Sex For America. Here’s a helpful instructional comic book (not work safe) for any ladies who want to do their patriotic duty by having lesbian sex on the 18th, but aren’t quite clear on the details. I don’t know of any similar instructional comics for male-male sex, but there must be some out there, so keep your eyes open and ask your local comic book store owner. It’s also possible that there is, somewhere on the internet, a website with photos of gay male sex that guys can consult for ideas.

If Father’s Day ends without anything happening then you can be happy that you had hot queer sex and return home. If something does happen then you can be happy you stood up for America, a thought which comfort you in the moments before the earthquake, floods, falling rubble and terrorists bring about your demise.

The Pastor did say that people should “pass it on to whoever you know,” so below you’ll find his own description of the dream God sent him.

A Warning for the People of the Willamette Valley

By: Lloyd Day, Pastor (day_tefilah@yahoo.com)
Beth Tefilah Messianic Congregation
Salem, Oregon
May 2006

[This is a description of a dream the Pastor had. –Amp]

I was struggling with praying for the hurricane victims. I certainly want to pray for those who are suffering through this ordeal but at the same time I see all these things as judgments from God. My real prayer is that this country will wake up and realize that this is a judgment from God and repent of their evil ways. As I watched the aftermath of Katrina, I saw the enormous devastation and the very first business to open back up was a tavern. There was a Gay Pride Parade scheduled for before the Hurricane hit and I also understand that there was a Gay Pride Parade scheduled for New Orleans for after the hurricane. The promoters of this parade went ahead with it anyway. They were in a sense making an obscene gesture at God, just defying Him to try that again. These are suppose to be poor abused victims? What is it going to take before the people of this country realize the seriousness of what they are doing? How many more people have to die or loose everything?

[I hate that typo. Not slamming Pastor Day or anything, anyone can make a typo, I’ve made plenty. But the “lose” vs “loose” thing, which is so common, I for some reason find very irritating. -amp]

As I contemplated on these things, my mind shifted to here in Oregon. I had a dream recently: I heard a knock on my door and when I went to answer it, there were two men standing there. They looked like ordinary men but I had never seen them before. There was something different about them, although I couldn’t put my finger on it. There was one interesting thing, however. Whenever anyone comes up on our porch and knocks on the door, our dog will start barking very loudly. This time she didn’t. They told me that I had to gather my emergency things and get out of town as soon as possible. I stood there stunned for a moment. They said that God was going to bring judgment on this area.

[Hey, he’s willing to dash into his car and drive away just because two strangers say that God says so? I think that if anyone wants an easy house to rob, they should look up the Pastor.]

Then my mind shifted to the two angelic beings that warned Lot to get out of Sodom. I asked them if we had time to warn our family and friends, and they said to go ahead. I had my wife start calling while I went out and started packing emergency things into my pickup. These two men came out and started helping me. These men were very fast and efficient packers.

[I like the detail about what good packers Angels are. I mean, Teamsters can pack pretty damn good, but I bet they’re like three-year-olds compared to Angels.]

Some of the things I was packing in, they grabbed and threw to one side.

[He had to leave his TV Guide collection behind. The Lord is hard.]

I could tell by the urgency in their actions that this was no time to argue with them.

It took us about and hour and fifteen minutes to get to the meeting place. We weren’t sure of what to do next so we started setting up a camp. After about twenty minutes someone from our congregation came in and joined us. Over the next two hours, more people in our congregation and family members arrived. After a little while, we felt a small trembling in the ground. We all kind of just looked at each other. We turned on a small radio to see if we could find out anything. We heard a report that a major earthquake had hit Portland and that major damage had occurred. The report also said that Bonneville Dam had collapsed because of the quake and that a wall of water was rushing down the Columbia toward Portland.

My thought now shifted to where I was above all of this watching it all take place. There was a big Gay Pride Parade going on in downtown Portland when the earthquake hit and buildings came tumbling down on all of those there.

[The Big Gay Pride Parade, featuring Big Gay Al!]

Portland was in total devastation.

[At least the super-ugly Fred Meyer building on Hawthorne probably doesn’t survive, then.]

I’m not sure just how big the earthquake was but the number of 9.2 seems significant. There was also a major earthquake off the west coast that started a tsunami. Not too long after the quake in Portland, a wall of water from the collapse of the Bonneville Dam came rushing through Portland. A little while later another wall of water from the tsunami came up the Columbia River and it also came rushing through Portland.

[All this rushing! Slow down a minute, floods, smell the roses.]

Salem was also totally leveled by the earthquake. The loss of life in the whole Willamette Valley was enormous. As I looked around Salem, I saw a group of men. I think that there was about twenty of them. They all had large automatic weapons. I had the feeling that they were terrorists but I’m not sure. There were a few survivors wandering around, dazed from their injuries from the earthquake. Whenever this group of men came upon anyone wandering around, they would kill them. They seemed to be looking for anyone they could kill. There was no one to come against them. Finally, after a long while, some National Guard troops came on the scene but this gang had killed a lot of people by this time and when they saw the troops, they just faded into the rubble and escaped.

[Damn those terrorists and their fade into rubble super powers!]

Later as I thought through this, I tried to identify something that would give us an idea of the date it was going to take place. The only thing that I could identify was that there was a large gay pride parade in downtown Portland when the earthquake hit. So I set about to try and find out when the next big gay pride parade was scheduled in Portland. The answer to that came back as June 18th, which is Father’s Day.

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51 Responses to Oregon Pastor Predicts God Will Smite Portland on Father's Day

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  11. 11
    Jake says:


    Very well done.

  12. “The terrorists will have won!”…

    You are VERY funny!!! (My highest compliment!)

    I once had a dream (which I am totally not making up) that I went to the church of my childhood (Presbyterian – which does not currently allow gays in the ministry). In it, we were all singing a song about accepting gays as children of God. I knew this had meant they had changed their attitude and were busy learning to accept homosexuals as equals. I sensed that it was something that would occur in maybe about 9 or 10 years (no exact date, unfortunately). It was an extremely warm and lovely dream.

    Assuming God sent me that dream… what’s God’s agenda, exactly? Or does Llyod Day have some sort of special dream connection with God?

  13. 13
    Daran says:

    Splendid. At last a truly scientific hypothesis from the God Squad. By ‘scientific’, I mean testable. I hope y’all get down there for the test. I would myself, but it’s a bit far to travel

    Meanwhile LGBT Pride passed uneventfully in my neck of the woods (in Scotland) last Saturday. Unfortunately I was working that day, and couldn’t get to it. I’m was quite annoyed about it, but that’s how the chips fell.

  14. 14
    Ampersand says:

    Well, I live in Portland, so I promise to be on the spot to see if we actually get quaked, flooded, hit by falling bricks and shot by terrorists.

    (And if all that stuff does happen, I’ll attempt to drag my bloody body to the keyboard and post a retraction before I die. But no promises.)

  15. 15
    Wally Whateley says:

    The Snark! It burnsssss! :)

  16. 16
    Sheelzebub says:

    Thanks to you, my monitor is soaked with coffee!

    You are too damn funny.

  17. 17
    Jake Squid says:

    Well, I for one refuse to give in to God’s terror tactics and terrorist demands. I propose that on Father’s day, June 18th, every true-blooded American should have queer sex.

    But that is only one part of the necessary defense of America. We need to pre-emptively invade heaven to protect ourselves. God is a threat to the security of America and, if He is unwilling to step down voluntarily and turn Himself in for judgement at the Hague for crimes against humanity, we must effect regime change. We must fight God where God lives so that we don’t have to fight Him here. I’m sure that the angels will greet us as liberators and shower us with flowers.

    And we must do all of this in less than 9 days. I certainly hope that Mssrs. Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld are already on this.

  18. 18
    beth says:

    insanity. INSANITY. clearly a perverse wish-fulfillment fantasy in it’s “validated” that this man is “better” by God who has literally saved him from the “judgement.” if these thoughts weren’t cloaked in religion, the guy would be locked up.

    it’s also deeply perverse that someone calling themselves a Christian would sit back and deem Katrina a “judgement” on NO. even if it WAS, a *real* Christian would be down there trying to *help people*. talk about defying God. sometimes when i see people like this, i wonder what’s to stop Jesus from just coming the fuck down here already and bitch-slapping some sense into them.

  19. 19
    Tapetum says:

    He thinks God would destroy the original Powell’s? Just to smite some people daring to offend the fundies in public?

    That’s no God I would worship – even if he were smiting a deserving target.

  20. 20
    Dianne says:

    [At least the super-ugly Fred Meyer building on Hawthorne probably doesn’t survive, then.]

    Don’t be silly: super-ugly buildings never die. As the Albert Memorial survived WWII and the London bombings, the Fred Meyer building will survive the earthquake. Possibly alone among all Oregon buildings.

    God is working with the terrorists! Just like Saddam did!

    Yeah, yeah. Next you’re going to be telling me about God’s WMD projects. Probably drag out some unconfirmed report of mass flooding in the Bronze Age to support your argument.

  21. 21
    mythago says:

    Oh my goodness. Y’all from Portland need to come down to San Francisco and have queer sex on Father’s Day. That way, if Portland gets wiped out, you’ll be safely miles away.

    Besides, we’ve all had sex with everybody else in the damn city and we need some fresh blood. Think of it as doing your part to keep the heart of gay America alive.

  22. 22
    Lu says:

    I am sending you a bill for damage to my computer. It shorted out when I spat coffee all over it.

    (I am going to a fiber festival this weekend. I could have sex with a sheep if you like.)

  23. Look, prophesy schmophesy. You just want to get out of buying me that Peking duck and champagne punch on 6/18 like you promised. Forget it. Skip out on me, and I`ll show you smiting and destruction. And that goes for the rest of you cheap-ass sluggards, too.

  24. 24
    TheGlimmering says:

    Recalling the G12 church in Bogota, Columbia that “prayed” and “spiritually intervened” for the destruction of a disco in town that was later the victim of arson, I wouldn’t joke about these prophecies. While in college I got sucked into a local G12 church, they’re very widespread, they use textbook brainwashing techniques, and they absolutely believe in prophecy. Things someone on the inner circle of such churchs prophecy tend to come true when it involves anything someone in the church can do. In this regard, all such “spiritual gift” churchs, which this pastor has outed himself as being by proclaiming a prophecy, are very dangerous. All it would take is for a group of wingnuts to perpetrate any violence at all, identifying themselves with the terrorist group in the minds of the congregation, and then someone with “the gift of interpretation” re-interpreting the earthquakes and floods as a visual metaphor for the “outpouring of the holy spirit.” Any level of violence at all would convince them this was true, reinforcing and radicalizing their beliefs. In other words, Portlanders may want to watch their backs on Father’s Day, but absolutely don’t let the veiled threats win by not supporting gay pride!

    (Naturally, I escaped the group, but it took some years.)

  25. 25
    steven.h says:

    I took my time and read the prophecy. And being Christian, I must say that I expect this to be another bizarre cult popping out and calling themselves Christians. They took the Bible out of context.

    Some of the verses Pastor Day used that predicted the earthquake were verses from the Old Testament. The Old Testament is a historical doctrine. Some portions he used were written to tell what has happend, not what is going to happen.

    How many more people have to die or loose everything?

    [I hate that typo. Not slamming Pastor Day or anything, anyone can make a typo, I’ve made plenty. But the “lose” vs “loose” thing, which is so common, I for some reason find very irritating. -amp]

    I read the prophecy before I read Amp’s post and when I got to this I went into the other room to tell my mom the same thing that Amp told us.

    And being a Christian in Portland and all, I am gong to go on a nice long walk Father’s Day just to watch the destruction of my home.

  26. 26
    Robert says:

    So I set about to try and find out when the next big gay pride parade was scheduled in Portland.

    Why do I have this sneaking suspicion that his wife asked him why “gay parade portland” was in his browser cache, and the whole prophetic dream was cooked up on the spot as backstory to explain it to her?

  27. 27
    Robert says:

    Oh, and I just got word from God:

    People who say “loose” for “lose”, “tenant” for “tenet” and several other malapropisms to be prophesied later are not human at all, but are in fact demonic entities from Hell, and can be freely killed. Just tell the cops that the Lord gave you his personal approval.

    (Sorry, Basement Kim. God wants you dead.)

  28. 28
    FurryCatHerder says:

    I forget where it says it exactly — somewhere in Deuteronomy, I believe — but there’s a place in the bible where it says that if a prophet (and this guy sounds like a prophet to me …) makes a prophecy and it doesn’t come try that he has to be ignored.

    Maybe the rest of the pastors in Oregon could remind all the funymentalist Christians who listen to that bozo about what G-d said about false prophets.

  29. 29
    Kim (basement variety!) says:

    So this is all my fault now?

  30. BTW, Betty is going to have a brief gig at this year’s fest. I am seizing the day, because how often does such a terrific group grace a tiny little backwater like this one ? Anyone got some Kevlar foundation garments that I can borrow to layer under whatever queer disguise I end up donning for this festive occasion ? Oh, and I could really use a colorful pair of hip-waders to help me deal with the probable flood, too.

    Kim, the spelling enforcers like Robert are just mad because they don’t own any OR property east of the Willamette. Thus, when the future queer catastrophe hits and most of the Coast tumbles into the sea, they don’t stand to make a dime selling off their own holdings as new “coastal property.” Ignore them.

  31. 31
    TheGlimmering says:

    Actually, the penalty for false prophecying and teaching others to break the Law is death, the fundamental reason I now take issue with Christianity. After all, if Jesus did as modern Christians claim, teaching abrogation of the Law or altering it, then he broke the Law which is about the definition of commiting a sin, meaning he couldn’t be sinless. If he isn’t sinless, he couldn’t have been the sacrifice modern doctrine calls for, nevermind that such a “sacrifice” is expressly described as an abomination by the deity in question (human sacrifice, sacrifice outside the Temple, sacrifice on a cross, sacrifice performed by anyone but a priest, sacrifice without fire… all anathema). Then again, Jesus repeatedly instructed everyone to follow every last letter of the Law, most famously on the Sermon on the Mount, and repeated prior prophets by teaching that, when in doubt, keep the Golden Rule which he certainly didn’t come up with himself since it’s in the Tanakh. So as far as I can see, the entire foundation for Christianity has some major faults in it, not that the Law shows any sign of being divine either since it’s ripped off nearly word for word from far earlier texts which any religion scholar can point you to. What can you expect from a text that was “discovered” in the Temple basement by a king who wanted some justification to go out and conquering the neighboring kingdom of Judea? (Look it up, read between the lines, you don’t need to lose faith to realize that the texts are not what they seem.)

    All of which is a roundabout justification for Dominionists and theonomionists to haul this pastor out the city gates for a stoning after they’ve recovered from their Father’s Day hangovers. It’s quite literally what Jesus would do (that whole sparing the adulteress bit? that’s an extremely late addition not present in the earliest copies of the text).

  32. 32
    FurryCatHerder says:

    Actually, the penalty for false prophecying and teaching others to break the Law is death, the fundamental reason I now take issue with Christianity.

    Yes, but where in Devarim does it say that? I’d like to make a bumper sticker with that chapter and verse on it.

  33. 33
    FurryCatHerder says:

    Thanks to False prophet for answering my question!

    Anyone know where I can get “DEUT 18:22” bumper stickers made up on a rush order and sent to Portland?

  34. 34
    mythago says:

    CafePress, probably.

  35. 35
    skylanda says:

    It is so fortunate that the fundamentalist faction is so happy to have themselves proved so utterly wrong so disturbingly often.

    Of course, the scary flip side is that people still seem to believe this crap, no matter how many times reality disproves it.

  36. 36
    Amy says:

    I like a nutcase who’s willing to take a stand. None of this “a plague will strike Asia in 2007” crap. A specific time, a specific place, a specific disaster befalling a specific parade.

    What I want to know is, will he be sacked if he’s wrong? (Deut. 18:22 would be even better, of course.)

  37. 37
    steven.h says:

    You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken preseumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.

    ~Deutoronomy 18:21-22

    Nothing there about destruction for the prophet. I guess the guy is safe from everything but public humiliation.

  38. 38
    Lu says:

    Actual exchange between me and DH this morning:

    Me: What do you want for Father’s Day, dear?
    DH: Well, gay sex, of course. Otherwise the terrorists will have won.

    I would like to thank you, Amp, for raising the level of marital communication in at least one American household.

  39. 39
    Neutral says:

    There was another posting (see below) elsewhere about that same dream by another person but no mention of a gay pride parade that day, though he guessed it happened on a weekend in the summer.

    This same (soon) pacific northwest quake scenario is being predicted by a number of sites such as halfpasthuman.com (the famous web bots). That doesn’t make it any more likely to occur but it’s hardly unique or a personal judgement on homosexual behavior.

    I think you simply respond with anger whenever you perceive on opinion that differs from your own, because you feel guilty about your behavior. I think if that quake does happen, that CHRISTian you mock will be far more likely to come to the aid of survivors than you or any of the other post authors.

    laugh all you like, we win.


    Re: Recurring earthquake dreamTue, May 30, 2006 – 7:38 PM
    I have been having a recurring earthquake dream as well… I don’t have it every night, but 2 or 3 times a week for the last 6wks. The dream is very vivid, I am looking down from the sky, I am not in a physical body. I am looking down on Portland Oregon, a huge shaking starts and it is deafingly loud like a thousand trains. The buildings downtown all sway and collapse, as do the buildings in the surrounding area as far as I can see from my vantage point, south past Salem and north beyond Vancouver Washington. When its over all I see is carnage, smoke and fires. I hear another huge roaring sound and from the east an enormous wave comes rushing down the Columbia river, my guess is that it is from the Bonneville dam bursting? It slams into whats left of Portland and pushes it into the ocean.

    In my dream it seems like its the weekend and summer or at least warm out because there are alot of folks out enjoying the weather. I have only had 3 apocoliptic dreams in my life, and 2 of them have happened in the last 3yrs.

    I have never lived in Portland and only visited a half dozen times. I wish the dream would stop, its very upsetting to watch.

  40. 40
    removed by author request says:

    Comment removed by request of comment author, 8/29/09.

  41. That’s odd. I keep having a recurring dream in which I’m stuck in a closet with Vanna White. Oh, wait. That wasn’t my dream. It was Weird Al’s. My recent recurring dream had to do with collaging a giant Shiva icon onto the wall of my husband’s office, which he had for some reason just repainted in a quite fetching robins-egg blue. Also, I was barefoot. Can somebody help me figure out what it all means ? Thanks.

  42. 42
    Jake Squid says:

    Also, I was barefoot.

    Why do you resist your natural desire to fulfill your natural role? God is sending you a message.

  43. He’d cancel it if he knew how ugly –not to mention mismatched– my post-surgical unshod feet are.

    So you’re saying it’s all about sex ? What a Freudian cliche’, Squid. I expected more imagination from you.

  44. 44
    Ruby says:

    Do these people having these earthquake dreams realize how far away Portland is from the ocean? I mean New Orleans was BELOW SEA LEVEL! How could any amount of water wash the whole city THAT far, over all those hills & everything?
    Anyways, I’m a christain & I just did a search about this topic, ’cause I’d heard rumors about it & wanted to find out fir myself. Thanks for including the link to his website so I could read it for myself. Then, I got the map out; did a little research on earthquakes; & did some thinking & praying. Too many things just don’t add up.
    1) Prophetic dreams in the Bible usually were in kind of code. They weren’t full of details. I mean think of Joseph & his dream about the famine in Egypt… he dreamed about cows. If the dream WAS real, & if it DOES mean something (which I have my doubts) It probably has NOTHING to do with earthquakes or Bonneville dam.
    2) In order for the earthquake to be strong enough to break Bonneville dam it would have to be centered right there. If it was that far east, how could it cause a tidal wave? Are there 2 earthquakes happening at the same time?

    But, then again, the pastor is right about somethings (he can’t be ALL wrong ya’ know ;) ) I believe, we WILL all be judged someday for what we do, & don’t do. I believe, we will have to answer to our creator for how we lived our lives & that every secret thing we do & even every thought we think HE knows. But, I also believe that He is a God of mercy & is quick to forgive & cleans us of all unrighteousness.
    The prophet Jonah wanted very badly to see Ninevah destroyed, but GOD had other plans. :) I think God has OTHER plans for Portland too! So, I hope we are all ready! :)

  45. 45
    Shane Mayhem says:

    I feel deeply honored that some Christians took their time to respond and didn’t forget to slip in the fact that homos are sinful and likely to be punished. Good to know that amist the murder of civilians in Haditha, the uncountable lies our government tells us every day, the waste of young American lives in the Iraq war, the oil-price gouging going on at the clear expense of our consumers and our environment, and the sluggish response to actual disasters such as Katrina, the fundamentalist Christians still have their eye on the ball. Good work.

    (oh, and pssst…while y’all were so busy obsessing about gay sex–really…you should leave that to US–the terrorists already won)

  46. 46
    Crys T says:

    So, those of you in Portland, now that Fathers’ Day is over, how about filling us in on how much of the prophecy came true?

  47. 47
    sames65 says:

    Well, I attend Beth Tefilah and Lloyd Day is my pastor. Nope, nothing happened but what people are missing is that he never claimed to be a prophet or that this was a prophecy. It was just a really disturbing dream. In fact the document he wrote even denounces those who claim to be prophets. Those of us with rational minds did go camping and had an awesome weekend with other families and church members. My family had a blast. It was a perfect weekend. I will say though that some in the congregation, for that matter, all over the country took this dream and ran with it. Some freaked out thinking we were to be truely wiped out. We however, didn’t have this feeling of impending doom, so we just went camping, and if something happend, at least we’d be safe. I’m glad nothing happened. Now Christinas have even more time to touch the lives of people who don’t believe in Christ. All they have to do now is get off their butts and do it.
    I do feel sorry for our pastor though, people will be coming out of the woodwork to acuse him of all kinds of things. He is not a nut, but a very grounded man. This just got blown out of proportion by a few people and it grew from there. The Messianic beliefs are truely a blessing and I hope Lloyd continues in his ministry. We will also pray that no ones faith is shaken by this as it is not God’s fault but man’s.

  48. 48
    ms_xeno says:

    Ummm… all of it. The devastation is beyond description. I am typing this up to my armpits in water and debris. My computer battery can’t hold out much longer. The cats are off looking for terrorists to scratch. Oh, and with no electricity, it’s impossible to make coffee.

    Please open your wallets accordingly. Checks should be made out to “ms_xeno.” Thank You.

  49. 49
    crytears says:

    Well… for Oregon
    the earth didn’t shake,
    the earth didn’t rumble,
    the earth didn’t rattle,
    is pastor day a little Humble?!

    The only shaking now will be amongst those in his flock.
    He no doubt feels shame and humility. Perhaps he feels let down by God.
    Not because we didnt have this earthquake, but because he had prayed for direction and guidence when struggling with whether to tell of his dream or not.
    If we try and shame him more and reduce him to rubble then we are guilty of sin.
    What we should be doing is show this man GODS love! And not be in the wrong spirit of being judgmental! We are not to judge, lest we be judged.

    IF you proclaim yourself as a spiritual leader AND you judge others….Your heart is wrong and you have no love and compassion.
    What secret sin are YOU hiding? God knows!
    You who take the energy to look down upon this man is doing this with the wrong spirit. There is no middle ground!

    Taking time to communicate with him….OK…What spirit was this done under? Was it done with scoffing and haughtiness? Or was this done in the true spirit of Gods love and compassion?

    Did you take time to help a person who is hurting or suffering pain…
    How much time did you take in helping others?
    To alleviate human suffering that is all around us, even next door!
    Which is more important a “task”?
    Making a point that he was wrong?
    Do you feel rightious indignation?
    What does God ask us to do?
    Admonish this man or help a suffering soul?

    Did you take time to help guide him or councel him WITH LOVE?
    Probably not! Did you put your arms around him to help guide him with Love as he leads his flock? You are responsible to do so as we are instructed.

    How much time and energy did you take in negativeness trying to prove another him wrong or bring shame upon his head?
    Pray for him, pray for your own soul.
    Be kind and have the spirit of Love….this is what the Lord has admonished us with. Jesus said….Love God, Love others.
    IF we don’t have love our ministy will be damned!

    I feel very sad for this pastor. Please don’t judge him. He only felt compeled to tell of his dream to warn. He struggled with this.

    Have you considered that God had a change of heart and held back the curtains of doom for now? The story of Jonah and Nineva is just one example. We have no way of knowing if there was anyone who repented of their sins here in Portland….that caused God to change his mind.

    If you look on USGS web site you will learn that Oregon didn’t even have a 1.0 on the richter scale yesterday….while there were hundreds in Alaska, California and Washington.
    Zero, silch, nada one for Oregon! Odd! Very odd!

    Oregon WILL suffer a devastating earthquake because of Plate techtonics. Not because of any parade. The bible tells there will be calamity right at end times…..we are just at the edge now! God is known to use natural disasters as a way to punish.

    Have you seen the latest programs from Discovery Channel regarding how the Pacific North West will suffer MORE devastating earthquakes and Tsunamis in the very near future.
    According to the USGS, California has a 67% “chance” for catastrophic earthquakes within the next 30 years or less.

    I’ve studied geology and learned that I live in the worst area possible…that I’m not even living on the North American Plate and am on an oceanic Plate…Juan De Fuca which is diving underneath the N American Plate….why do you think we have all those Pyroclastic Volcanoes lined up like they are?
    What really worries me is the very recent change in the magnetism and magma flow here in Oregon. They are scrambling with studies right as I write this….especially where our Vortexes are located. They are keeping this “mum” as they do not want to cause wide spread panic. There is nothing we can do to change what is going to happen.
    If you were to read about the Green Mountain Range here in Oregon, this will terrify you enough to pack up and leave!
    But gas is just too high and I love all the trees.
    So I’ll just stay put and hope when the big one does finally hit….I’ll be on vacation in The Florida Keys.
    Lets have love and compassion, understanding and acceptance!
    Like Pastor Day urges….first we must ready our hearts! We must be ready to meet the Lord NOW!
    Blessings, Crytears
    PS….I dont know Pastor Day or any of his congregets.
    I do “know of” 4 other people who’ve had the same exact dream.
    Each one is considered a very spiritual person, but not wanting to make their dreams public for fear of ridicule. The bible is very clear in stating that in end times, men will dream dreams. What does this tell you?

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    FrankC says:

    These comments and “prophecies” by fundamentalists are so ad nauseam!! They make comments about gays continally—I would like to see these fundamentalists protest at a frat house or a heterosexual nightclub deriding premarital sex, to go to lawyers offices or courthouses to protest divorces, to go to hospitals to protest illegitimate babies, to go to Utah and protest against polygamy—-I have yet to see these so-called Christians to protest EQUALLY rather than select what they perceive as “the easy target”.