"Alas" is back in business

It’s now possible to read the archives and leave comments, so things are pretty much back to normal.

I’m still planning to restore one lost post and several lost comments (all the ones that made it into my most recent back-up), but I won’t have a chance to work on that until Sunday night.

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4 Responses to "Alas" is back in business

  1. Pingback: feminist blogs

  2. Pingback: FeministBlogosphere

  3. William says:

    Did some clicking around. Seems like all is well now. :)

  4. Am I Nuts? says:

    I sent an e-mail while your e-mail was down and it bounced back. Wanted to let you know that a) I love your blog and b) I’ve linked to it from my page, hope that’s ok. All my best…

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