This is one of two or three updates I’m going to do of a particularly cute run to the grocery store with the kids. (Although the photos had to be cut short after a grocery minion came up to me and told me they had a store policy of no photos in the store. As the minion explained, they were afraid that we might be a fake family hired by another grocery store to do opposition research.)
Today: Maddox in the carrier.
Maddox is much more active and engaged with people nowadays – even compared to only a month ago. Hey, look, I know this person – I’ll smile at them!
Maddox divides the entire universe into two categories: Things that she tries to put in her mouth, and things that… uh…
Maddox divides the entire universe into a single category.
Awwww, just wook at the widdle dimples!
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What a cheeky little smile.
… I was about to say we should put her side-by-side with Andrea, but there’s no knowing what incredibly cute mayhem the two of them could cause between them.
No, that would be cool. We should get them together for a playdate. You’re not too far away, are you? :-P
Is that the large chain grocery store across the street from the BBQ place, the large chain grocery store across the street from the swinger’s club, or are my powers of identification failing me?
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