Would it have killed them to include a link?

From a piece by Linda Hirshman in Sunday’s Washington Post:

The reaction started within a day or two of my article appearing on the American Prospect Web site. “Everyone’s Talking about Linda Hirshman’s ‘Homeward Bound,’ ” said “Alas, a blog.” “I was thinking of writing something” about it, the blogger continued, “but first I thought I’d see what other bloggers were saying . . . and that turned out to take up all my available blogging time.”

Geez, I get quoted in the WaPo, and it’s such a lame quote. Oh, well.

(Here’s the post she’s quoting, in case you’re curious.)

Curtsy: Family Scholars, where Elizabeth is annoyed that Linda H. has called their site a fundimentalist Christian site. But in the WaPo article, it’s clear that Hirshman is reacting primarily to Brad Wilcox; and if Brad isn’t an evangelical Christian, he sure as heck writes like one. And as for the difference between evangelicals and fundamentalists, I think it’s like the difference between Marvel superheroes and DC superheroes; sure, it’s an important distinction to those immersed in the subculture, but to outsiders they all look pretty much alike.

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9 Responses to Would it have killed them to include a link?

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  3. EL says:

    I wished you’d been linked, but I was excited just to see you there in the Washington Post! :)

  4. tekanji says:

    I also notice that you consistently are called female when people who don’t know you talk about you. Jeez, does it really take all that long to click on the “about” think so that you can get a person’s chosen pronoun correctly?

  5. Raznor says:

    I think it’s like the difference between Marvel superheroes and DC superheroes;

    You win the “Geekiest Analogy of the Year Award” for this one. Consider it a compliment. It is a good analogy.

  6. Antigone says:

    No, it isn’t. Fundamentalist and Evangelical is a matter of degree. Marvel and DC… Those are entirely different drawing styles!

  7. Ampersand says:

    Takanji, I’ve messed up other bloggers’ genders too often to mind when people do it to me! :-D

    Raznor, thank you for the award. It will occupy a honored place on my bookshelf, right between my Neal Adams Green Lantern comics and my Zot! comics.

    Antigone, thank you for the correction. :-P

  8. Tom T. says:

    Amp, I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on this other article from today’s Post, about the apparent continuing decline in rape since the 1970s. If true, it’s obviously wonderful and welcome news, but are the statistics reliable?

  9. Tony says:

    I’m not in the subculture, but I think the evangelical/fundamentalist distinction is very important. Fundamentalists are much, much more “hardcore” (and much scarier, imho) than evangelicals.

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