Live happily ever after… or don’t. It’s up to you.
Zombies Need Brains (@ZNGLLC) is kickstarting three new anthologies, including an anthology of fairy tales that have been smashed up and remade into something new, SHATTERING THE GLASS SLIPPER.
I’m one of the authors who’s signed up to participate, along with awesome folks like Alethea Kontis, Cat Rambo, Jose Iriarte and lots of others whose work I’m excited to get to know. (The editors also plan to consider open submissions once the kickstarter funds.)
At the same time, ZNBLLC is also funding two other anthologies, NOIR and BRAVE NEW WORLDS.
I’m contributing some rewards!
I’m offering up to three backers a printed copy of one of my short stories with margins full of ridiculous, hand-drawn doodles. When I’ve done this in the past, I’ve drawn on copies of my flash stories “Death and the All-Night Donut Shop” and “Again and Again and Again.” Not sure which story I’ll pick this time!
Early backers who contribute before the Kickstarter reaches its goal will get an original poem that’s not available elsewhere online. If the Kickstarter reaches its stretch goal, I’ll send all backers a copy of a short chapbook including six flash fiction drafts and an original poem.
As for my story, I’m planning a Rapunzel set in an urban fantasy version of Seattle–not my usual thing! However, I’m also working on a Little Mermaid retelling about alienation, fish reproduction, and the combination thereof. Hopefully, I’ll be able to offer the editors a choice.
I adore fairy tale retellings, both writing and consuming them.
As a child, I obsessed over Shelley Duval’s Faerie Tale Theatre, Datlow & Windling’s fairy tale anthology series, and Tanith Lee’s collection, Red as Blood.
Here are a couple more recent retellings I adore:
- Neil Gaiman’s “The Problem of Susan” — in transformational conversation with Narnia
- Cat Rambo’s “Foam on the Water” — a thoughtful, languid Little Mermaid
And here are a couple of mine (I swear not all my retellings are NSFW!):
- “All That Fairy Tale Crap” — NSFW post-modern Cinderella
- “Tea Time” — NSFW (especially if you happen to be working in a Victorian time travel situation) romance between the Mad Hatter and March Hare
Thanks to ZNBLLC for doing the work to keep small press anthologies alive!
Check out the Kickstarter for SHATTERING THE GLASS SLIPPER and its siblings, NOIR and BRAVE NEW WORLDS.
You can follow Zombies Need Brains on Twitter for updates regarding the kickstarter and anthologies.
Thanks for pointing that out! I can't believe I did that. The post has been updated with the correct cartoon.…