Roz Kaveney, who was acquainted with both Christopher Hitchens and Bill Clinton at Oxford, laments what has become of Hitchens in recent years in this well-written post. Via Long Story; Short Pier..
If anyone's shopping for nightmare scenarios, I have some. Scenario 1: Trump succeeds in deporting a significant percent of immigrants,…
Also of note is Dennis Perrin’s treatment of Hitchens, whom Perrin claims was his mentor. Perrin is a bit more charitable than to call Hitch a “urbane drunken fop”, yet his personal closeness makes this public severing of ties sting all the more. But Roz’s one-two punch is jaw-dropping.
Clinton makes an appearance as the screwdriver that unhinged poor addled Hitch. (Excerpted at my humble blog.) Surrealpolitik indeed.
“Alas, poor Hitchens! I knew him, Horatio.”
Much better.
A piece worth reading. I would only dispute the author’s claim that Hitchens was or is a good writer. Hitchens is, however, a perfectly good demagogue.
Thanks for the link, Kevin.
John, I do remember likeing some of Hitchens’ stuff back in the 1980s. My memory being what it is (or, more aptly, what it isn’t), I can’t offer you any particular examples.
Kip, correction duly noted and applied.