Comments are working again!

Happy dance!Comments are working again! Apparently WordPress version 2.02 was a bit unstable and error-prone; “Alas” has now been updated to WordPress version 2..04, which has fixed the problems. Also, “Alas” pages are now loading noticeably faster then they have in ages. Basically, things are now un-fucked-up around here.

For this much improved state of affairs, I am very grateful to the one and only Sam Devol, who got under the “Alas” hood and put things into working order.

Thanks, Sam – I’m bowing in your presumed direction and muttering “I’m not worthy! I’m not worthy!” at you!.

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6 Responses to Comments are working again!

  1. Tuomas says:


    The speed is great, but is it possible to get numbered comments in 2.04?

  2. Sam says:

    My fault, numbers should be back now…

    And, you are quite welcome ;’)

  3. ScottM says:

    Well done– thanks!

  4. Elkins says:

    Yay! Thanks, Sam.

    The new improved speed is very nice, too.

  5. RonF says:

    Very nice. I can see the improvement. That must have been frustrating!

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