Monday Baby Blogging: Sydney Loves Hats And Cthulhu

Sydney shakes hands / tentacles with Cthulhu

Sydney politely shakes hands / tentacles with the dark lord.

Sydney loves Cthulhu!

But then they get less formal. Awwww.

Sydney strikes a pose.

Just hangin’ out and looking cool. I love this black turtleneck, it makes her look like a beatnik.

Sydney tries on Bean's bike helmet.

Sydney tries on Bean’s bicycle helmet. Safety first!

Sydney tries on Jake's cap.

Then she tries on Jake’s cap. I think the cap is cuter than the bike helmet, but Sydney much prefers the helmet, and runs around in it for several minutes telling everyone that she’s looking for a bike to ride.

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2 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging: Sydney Loves Hats And Cthulhu

  1. Robert says:

    Ahhhh! Cuteness overload! Cuteness-Cthulhu disconnect! Mental…processes…shutting…down…

  2. Olive says:

    I think it makes her look like Art Garfunkel, in particular. Consider:

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