Who had a recent comment she left on “Alas” quoted in the Chicago Sun-Times.
When capitalized, "Sie" is the formal way to address adults of either gender in polite German. I majored in the…
Who had a recent comment she left on “Alas” quoted in the Chicago Sun-Times.
Gee, as far as I’m concerned printing the blog comment legitimizes the Sun-Times, not the other way around. It means they actually went out to gather some information, rather than just reprint the AP and crime stories.
She’s famous now :)
That’s cool.
WOW! I’m a celebrity, thanks to Amp!! And my family thought all this blog-cruising was a waste of time! That’ll teach them!
All thanks to ampersand for my 5 minutes of fame!
Ron’s right, too. For a change a newspaper didn’t just recycle the same old AP junk but actually went out and did some reporting.
Does that mean I have to watch my typos more closely?
too bad the writer forgot the “/blog” portion of the URL.
It was an interesting thread. And Susan, wow that’s cool.
Some of my commenters were quoted in the press a while back, but for being assholes suspected of working for a law enforcement agency. It’s surreal to read an article quoting some of the comments that you had been responding back to for several months not knowing who was writing them and who was reading them, whether it was a police department, the State Attorney General’s office or whatever. It’s hard to describe in words. They all benefited from it somehow once they were able to make lemonade out of a bad situation at a really bad juncture, but it caused me a lot of difficulty, fear and pain, which would have been worth it if something truly *good* had come out of it.
And reading people’s response to them in the press, is difficult to describe how that hits you, if it’s similar to how you responded. Especially one comment written by a local police officer who apparently identified himself by his first name and the agency that demeaned residents of a primarily Black and Latino neighborhood. The people interviewed for their reactions to the comments had the same response I did but when I did it, he returned to chastize me and do some serious backpedaling. I wonder what he was thinking when he read and saw how others reacted.
I actually got to see the officer who wrote that and several other comments. He was getting an award recently for his services to the city by the city and his supervisor was explaining how he was an example of the exciting future of the “new” police department. The only reason I was told his identity was because I had been upset when other police officers(including someone who knew the blog existed long before the police department’s Internal Affairs division and leadership did) who had been investigated and that I had been told were responsible, had also received the same awards and the police chief was upset that I was there potentially to make noise about it which I did not. I had been told these officers were actually innocent but in light of the fact that they awarded one who wasn’t, it makes it hard to believe that.
That and the avoidant, rude behavior of the police chief when I had challenged him on this issue made it clear that *this* action was part of the new police department and was deeply disappointing. Or part of the “old” department depending on how you look at it.
This situation is at least a happy one. But when I first read this thread, I got a “flash”.
Btw, the local university in my city calls itself the “Highlanders”. Some of the neighboring streets are named after places in Scotland, but I still am not sure when and why the Scottish heritage came into the mix.
Radfem, good reminders and cautions to us all.
Not everyone on the internet is who he or she says they are. I, by the way, am an attorney in California, and my name is Susan Foley. In Oakland, not the one in Sunnyvale, and you can look me up on the California Bar site and find out some stuff. And if you figure out from my email (posted on the Bar site) what my webpage is, you can find out more. No secrets here. But we can’t necessarily assume similar candor in everyone.
Another problem I’ve seen is stalkers. Who figure out who a poster is and then find them and start lingering around and peering in windows and such. I know one such poster who had to move leaving no forwarding address to get rid of the creep.
Anyway, I was glad to achieve my 5 minutes of fame by saying something so innocuous.
Stalkers when posts are anonymous? I didn’t even think of that. I’d better start training my dog to protect me. Right now, he’d be the welcoming committee for anyone who enters my apartment illegally, and if treats were involved, I’m as good as dead.
Oh, yeah, and congrats, Susan. :)
Very cool! Congratulations — and, though I have wound up having nitpicky issues of debate with Susan at times, that comment? Great ideas.
Many thanks to all for their congratulations! (secret grin) I’m off to do some camping for a few days; when I get back I imagine this thread (which isn’t too substantive!) will have dropped down into archive.
Mojave desert, in case you’re wondering. Just me and my jeep…..