I’ve decided that the problem is that comics are too short. 24 pages a month is not enough, if you’ve been used to 42 minutes a week. A month is a long time between mouthfuls.
At the moment all I can say is that I’m enjoying the Buffy comic. ((Did you see Amp now has a ‘Buffy’ category – I’m so proud)) It feels foolish to pass judgement on any of the major plot-lines yet (although I’m not OK with any of the potential candidates for Buffy’s true love except Willow), since I don’t know where they’re going. Generally I’m excited by Giant Dawn, and the evil army, and everything else I’m going to wait and see.
It’s pretty cool to have the old characters back (and their dream sequences – I love a Joss dream sequence). I’m even beginning to like some of the slayers, which I never did with the potentials. ((Except Milly from Freaks and Geeks, because Freaks and Geeks was awesome.)) Although one of them has terrible taste in men.
The art bothers me more this issue. Mostly because Joss randomly set a scene while Dawn is washing in a water hole that won’t fit all of her. But apparently if Georges Jeanty ‘two women in their pyjamas attacking an intruder’ he thinks ‘butts, waists and thighs’. What he thinks when he hears ‘Buffy chained to a bed’ is even more predictable. ((I didn’t understand that at all actually, the bed looked like it had holes for her arms and what was this mystical protection that stopped her being stabbed, but didn’t stop her being tied up or enchanted?))
Maybe the protection could only be physical harm? I think that protection against intent in general wouldn’t be possible. If there was a spell that could protect dreams, wouldn’t it mess with slayer dreams?
I just assumed whatever protection she had was on her and not the bed. The bed posts are just twisted (spelled) around her wrists and ankles.
Really causal watcher. I’m positive you know the canon better then I