Black Women Live Longest When They're "Overweight"

Jill at Feministe points out this Salon article arguing that big “rumps” are endangering black women’s health. The article is offensive in any number of ways. But it’s this paragraph in particular which struck me:

Recent press reports show why black women should be alarmed: More than half of us are obese — 78 percent are considered overweight. And, according to the American Obesity Association, the pounds are not coming off easily, due to “cultural factors related to diet, exercise and weight among African-Americans.”

Newsflash: There’s no such thing as a culture in which pounds do come off easily (at least, not in the long term). “Cultural factors” don’t make weight-loss diets hard; weight loss-diets are hard, for the vast majority of fat people in any culture.

The Centers for Disease Control finds that rates of […] premature death ((In addition to premature death, she also mentions higher rates of diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and cancer in black women. These are legitimate concerns, but there are better ways to help women with these problems than by saying that “overweight” women should become “normal” weight, a course of treatment that will in practice not be possible for the vast majority of “overweight” people.)) are higher among black women, and when we get these diseases, we’re sicker than white women.

It’s true that black women live less long than white women, on average. (“Life expectancy for white women is 79.8 years; for black women, 74.7 years.”) ((“…for white men, 74.3 years; and for black men, 67.3 years.” Source.)) But it’s simply a lie to claim that black women are dying younger because they’re overweight.

Here’s a table showing relative risk of death, by sex and by race. This table, which I’ve posted before, comes from a study ((Adams, K., et al., Overweight, Obesity, and Mortality in a Large Prospective Cohort of Persons 50 to 71 Years Old. New England Journal of Medicine, 2006. 355(8): p. 763-8. (Pdf link.) )) which is frequently cited by those arguing that fat is deadly.

But if we look at the details, we see that only for the very fattest black women — the outliers — is being overweight associated with higher mortality. What the statistics actually show is that black women, more than anyone else, have an elevated risk of death if they’re in the “normal weight” category, and live longest if they’re in the “overweight” category.

Relative Risk At Different Levels Of BMI For Men And Women And By Race

The “fat equals death” hysteria in the media is dubious for anyone, but black women above all shouldn’t be taking it at face value. In fact, black women who manage to become “normal” weight may be damaging their life expectancy. The knee-jerk belief in weight loss as the cure for most ills is bad advice for almost everyone, but it’s probably worse advice for black women than for any other demographic group.

But here’s the kicker: reports that “compared with overweight white Americans, overweight black Americans are two to three times more likely to say their weight is average — even after they’ve been told they are overweight or obese by a doctor (emphasis added).

That’s her “kicker”? This author is completely ignorant of even the basic meanings of terms like “average” and “overweight.” Being “average” and being “overweight” are not mutually exclusive.

“Overweight,” as most doctors now use the term, means having a BMI ((Body Mass Index — Wikipedia has an explanation of what this is, if you don’t already know.)) between 25 and 30. As it happens, according to the most recent NHAMES survey — the most accurate survey of American’s weight and height yet done — the average American woman has a BMI of 28.2. ((The average American man has a BMI of 27.6. Source.)) So being overweight is average; the people this author sneers at for being ignorant have a firmer grasp of the facts than she does.

Finally, even according to the mainstream medical establishment, what matters about fat is not only how much you have, but where the fat is located on your body. The least healthy place to have fat, according to mainstream medical thinking, is around your waist. Fat on the ass and thighs is, even according to mainstream medicine, relatively healthy.

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59 Responses to Black Women Live Longest When They're "Overweight"

  1. Rachel S. says:

    I read this article and another one on Buffy the Body. I’m going to write about this, but from more of a race perspective.

  2. Good article.

    I think the reason weight loss is pushed so much rather than diet change or exercise promotion is because of our culture of weight loss drugs and surgery.

    There are more concrete correlations between exercise and health than between weight and health, but exercise isn’t promoted as much because big pharma doesn’t make any money off exercise.

  3. Pingback: Okay, I Admit It, I Also Don’t Trust Scientists « Tiny Cat Pants

  4. mythago says:

    A misogynist, racist Salon article? I need to go lie down.

  5. outlier says:

    I think the term “weight” has become a handy umbrella term that includes exercise and daily diet.

  6. marie says:

    Am I reading this right? This table shows that for women, being underweight is more highly related to risk of death than being overweight or obese for each category. Wow – that is something people should know!

  7. Kate L. says:

    I think the age range in this study is important . We are talking 50-71, right? So these numbers do not necessarily apply to people under the age of 50… am I reading that right?

    Is there long term cohort data that talks about BMI/weight and risk of death over the lifespan?

  8. Sailorman says:

    marie Writes:
    June 20th, 2007 at 7:12 am

    Am I reading this right? This table shows that for women, being underweight is more highly related to risk of death than being overweight or obese for each category. Wow – that is something people should know!

    Yes, you’re reading it right , but your conclusion is a bit off.

    You are reading (correctly) that skinnier people live shorter lives. however, a lot of things that are unhealthy tend to make people thinner.

    Get really, really, sick, for example, and you’ll likely lose weight. Get cancer–likewise. Start smoking–likewise. Get off your insulin–likewise. Start snorting coke, taking crystal meth… you won’t be as likely to be really overweight. Sick people are, generally speaking, somewhat thin.

    So it’s a bit misleading when presented like this. A lot of folks disagree about the extent of the “smoking effect” etc.; some studies try to exclude smokers (which leads to debates about the “lying smokers” effect, lol). But nobody really disagrees that it happens. So these data may be close to the truth or may not be close to the truth; without knowing, they aren’t a great way to reach a conclusion.

    Amp, I’m doing my best to explain this WITHOUT coming off as disagreeing with your (good) post, or side tracking it. hopefully it works.

  9. Frankye says:

    Debra Dickerson is an idiot.

  10. NancyP says:

    Underweight or low “normal” weight can be explained by genetics (this subset should be perfectly healthy), but also by smoking, digestive diseases such as Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis, cancers of any type, substance abuse including alcoholism, depression, dementia, some cardiac and lung conditions, etc…all of which can affect lifespan. I do think the BMI may be useful, but tailored to individual patient over time. People should maintain weight at their “setpoint”, whether that be BMI 19 or 29, unless other conditions intervene – eg, type II diabetes management (again tailored to the individual patient – lose enough weight to get good glucose control).

    Remember that medical maxim: First, look at the patient in front of you!

  11. Radfem says:

    Pity, they can’t be more concerned about the biggest killer of Black women, which is racism.

  12. Ampersand says:


    Is there long term cohort data that talks about BMI/weight and risk of death over the lifespan?

    Yes, there is: This study (pdf link), published in JAMA (which also uses a more representative sample), gives results for a larger range of ages — see table 2, on page 4 of the pdf file. However, this study does not break statistics down by race.

    What the JAMA study found is that regardless of sex, age or smoking status, people in the “overweight” categories lived slightly longer, on average, than those of “normal” weight. The highest-risk categories were underweight (BMI under 18.5) and overweight (BMI over 30).

  13. Robert says:

    The data that’s been collected goes a long way towards convincing me that the whole BMI enterprise is a charade. The optimum is where the optimum is – if you’re advancing the thesis that weight and mortality are tightly bound, then the prescriptive/normative weight should be at the point where mortality is lowest.

    That the “optimum” BMI does not correspond with the actual mortality optimum leads me to think that the weight-mortality connection is just a smokescreen; the predetermined conclusion is that fat=evil and damn the data anyway.

  14. Myca says:

    Right, Robert.

    Does anyone know how they DO determine the theoretical optimum for BMI, anyway?

  15. Ampersand says:

    Sailorman, regarding the “smoking effect,” keep in mind that even when the study limited their sample to never-smokers, it was still the case that “overweight” people in this study lived slightly longer than “normal” weight people. The JAMA study, using a more representative sample, found the same thing.

    (Even if you assume that some of the never-smokers are past or present smokers who lie about it, it’s reasonable to suppose that there will be a much larger proportion of never-smokers in the “say they never smoked” category than in the “say they are / used to be smokers” categories. So you really cant’ account for the results by saying it’s because smokers are thinner.)

    Finally, it’s illogical to argue that mortality rates are higher among thin people because there are correlations between thinness and things that make you die sooner, while ignoring that there are also correlations between fatness and things that make you die sooner, such as diabetes (which some researchers think may cause, rather than being caused by, higher weights), injuries that restrict exercise, and yo-yo dieting. It’s intellectually dishonest to argue that the one must be accounted for while ignoring the other.

  16. Sailorman says:

    Didn’t we have this whole thing about 9 months ago? i was assuredly not trying to raise it from the dead, i swear–i was just pointing out that the extremely simplistic measure of “BMI” doesn’t necessarily match the much more complex measure of “health.”

  17. Petar says:

    I think that people obsess with weight and BMI, while they should be concerned
    with how they feel and how well their body works. If you cannot run up two
    flights of stairs without running out of breath, you have a problem. If you
    cannot remember how it feels to jump, climb, or hike a few miles, you may
    want to do something about it.

    “Oh noes! My BMI is 27, I’m gonna get sick” is retarded.
    “I have a spare tire around my waist, and I waddle as I walk, but my BMI is the
    one with the least mortality” is just as dumb.

    Well muscled people have high BMIs but are usually healthy.
    Very short people have high BMI without being unhealthy.
    Many sick people lose weight, and thus have low BMI.
    Any physically active woman is firmly into the overweight range.

    All of the above push the ‘least mortality” point towards higher BMIs. At the
    same time, there are a few industries that want you to think that you are
    overweight. Still, I hope that most people know whether they feel good in their
    body or not, and have a clue about how well it works.

    By the way, I scuba dive, I rock climb, and I go on LONG hiking/kayaking trips.
    I also used to go caving a lot. I have always tried to avoid people who looked as
    if they would be a burden. This includes people who look fat (not heavy, fat)
    or whose arms and legs are too thin. I would not presume to think that they
    are unhealthy, or that they will live shorter than I will. But I would not like
    to rely on them to move a boat, pull someone up on a rope, or carry a casualty.

  18. NancyP says:

    First look at the patient! Is he or she healthy? “numbers” (glucose, LDL and HDL, etc) OK? Exercises moderately? Eats range of nutrients? Drinks lightly or not at all? Doesn’t smoke? Well, who cares about BMI! (if you are an internist)

    Now, marked obesity (BMI 40+) is a problem in surgery and post op care. The average outcome of a spinal cord patient weighing 250 kg is going to be worse than one weighing 60 kg – but that’s due to care issues. Surgical wound healing can be an issue – thicker fat layer, greater likelihood of complications and longer healing time for an abdominal incision. Surgical access can be a bitch also for some procedures, even with specially made instruments (retroperitoneal node dissection; non-laparoscope-assisted vaginal hysterectomy).

  19. A.J. Luxton says:

    Newsflash: There’s no such thing as a culture in which pounds do come off easily (at least, not in the long term). “Cultural factors” don’t make weight-loss diets hard; weight loss-diets are hard, for the vast majority of fat people in any culture.

    Well, there have been studies showing that Southwest Natives (at high risk for diabetes) have their risk of diabetes and other health conditions drop dramatically when eating a traditional diet, rather than a standard American diet. This also tends to cause weight loss.

    I’m of the opinion that some bodies manifest lots of fat as a result of not knowing what else to do with the food (which leads to poor nutrition, deficiencies, general unhealth) and the disorders that are caused by ill nutrition are often blamed on fat. Unfortunately for the Western tendency to oversimplify everything, good nutrition isn’t the same for everyone — different hormone balances, genetic types, and climates use food differently.

  20. crys t says:

    AJ: another big problem is that although the sort of low-quality food that is what is most available to people on low incomes in the West tends to make you fat, yet not every fat person is fat because they eat low-quality food.

    If you’re a person who’s fat because you’re on a low income and accompanying shit-quality food, then you switch to higher-quality food, you may well lose weight. You also may not, but you may. And of course, eating better food will improve your health.

    I’d never tell anyone who was fat and eating crap food that it was good for them to continue that way and that their health wouldn’t suffer. But the problem is that if they can’t afford anything better, or if they’re working hours (including unpaid work) that don’t allow them the luxury of real food preparation, I don’t see what the hell are they supposed to do about it.

    That’s what burns me the most about the current fat-demonisers: the insistence on making it into a moral or “personal choice” issue when it’s a socioeconomic problem.

  21. Dianne says:

    Well, who cares about BMI! (if you are an internist)

    Well, I do, although what I really care about is the body surface area (BSA) since that’s what I’ve got to write the chemo orders for. (Sorry, dumb oncology joke, couldn’t resist.)

    The BMI is useful, if it is useful at all, only on a population basis. For example, while any given person with a higher than “ideal” BMI may be a short athelete with huge muscles and just enough fat to provide energy for the end of the marathon, that’s not what the typical person with a high BMI in the US is. So knowing that on average a moderately high BMI doesn’t increase mortality is useful insofar as it means that we’re probably more obsessed with weight than is good for us collectively.

    Another factor in the “what makes poor people or minorities fat” issue that I don’t think anyone has yet mentioned is stress. Chronic stress releases corticosteroids (among other things), which, over the long term, do all sorts of bad things to one’s metabolism, including weaken the immune system, increase weight gain, raise blood pressure and blood sugar, and increase fat deposition around the waist, which is just the worst place for it. So the chronic stress of having to deal with racism and anti-poverty prejudice every day is probably part of what’s driving obesity in minorities and poor people.

  22. A.J. Luxton says:

    AJ: another big problem is that although the sort of low-quality food that is what is most available to people on low incomes in the West tends to make you fat, yet not every fat person is fat because they eat low-quality food.

    Yes. I’d be inclined to say that it’s more likely for people to store fat because their body is receiving poor nutrition (causing a host of health problems) than various versions of other ways around, and also that I’m aware of the low-quality food problem, because of what my partner’s told me about the food available in Arkansas where her family lives. It’s not possible to find a *can of beans* that doesn’t have arcane preservatives or additives, or processed oils, in it. On a visit to Tennessee I found something similar to be true.

    Another part of the problem is simply that living in such an area makes it difficult to discover what food one’s body requires.

    It’s possible around here (Portland, OR) to find high-quality food on a low budget, but it requires some knowhow.

    Dianne: chronic stress, and also unreliable eating schedules. Going hungry for intermittent periods of time tends to increase a body’s tendency toward storage.

    Basically, fat is a survival response. If a body is retaining lots of fat, it may be because something (say, a nutritional deficiency, or a sugar imbalance) has triggered the need for survival mechanisms — it may also be because in that particular body survival mechanisms just trigger easily.

  23. Sailorman says:

    All this talk about Western food and worldwide food made me think of this (which you should all look at if you have a moment):,29307,1626519,00.html

  24. Barbara says:

    Thus use of BMI is fraudulent. It is a benchmark that is based on the size of adults in a place and time that probably has no bearing on whether it is optimal. It’s not that BMI couldn’t be useful, it’s just that decreeing a BMI of 30 as the limit of acceptability from a health perspective is arbitrary in the absence of correlation to adverse consequences. BMI over time might be more useful, BMI as a function of likelihood of having certain conditions or being on certain types of medications might also be useful. BMI in correlation with muscle mass is also probably more indicative (but you can’t do that just by plugging in numbers). But to just tell people that once they’ve reached a BMI of 30 they should lose weight is insane, and really, just cruel when you consider the frustration and humiliation that usually entails. The goal is health, and sometimes weight can be the means — I definitely know people whose health improved when they lost weight, although it was usually done in association with other changes as well. But weight is often merely a “barometer” of other unhealthy practices.

  25. Brandon Berg says:


    Another factor in the “what makes poor people or minorities fat” issue that I don’t think anyone has yet mentioned is stress.

    But we don’t see particularly high levels of obesity in people with high-stress professional jobs, like lawyers, doctors, investment bankers, and executives, do we? Also, high-SES adolescents arguably have more stressful lives than their low-SES counterparts (because of the pressure to perform well in school), but adolescent obesity is negatively correlated with SES.

    I’d chalk it up to time preference.

  26. Brandon Berg says:

    A.J. Luxton:

    Chronic stress, and also unreliable eating schedules. Going hungry for intermittent periods of time tends to increase a body’s tendency toward storage.

    I don’t think this fits the data. Intermittent fasting increases insulin sensitivity. See, for example, this study, where fasting insulin levels dropped by 57% (!) in subjects fasting intermittently. I guess you could say that this increased their body’s tendency towards storage, since storage is what insulin does, but they lost fat and gained lean mass. Also, insulin resistance is, AFAIK, negatively correlated with SES. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to attribute the health problems of the poor to intermittent fasting, which appears to be healthful practice.

  27. Kate L. says:

    Brandon, I have no idea why I am bothering to respond here, but I’m going to anyway.

    YES, highpowered CEOS etc have stressful jobs – it’s not the same thing at all from working long hours and menial positions for crappy pay, doing laundry, cooking and cleaning for yourself and kids, and worrying about whether or not you are going to be homeless.

    Poor/working poor people work long hours in sometimes stressfull situations – customer service is not an “easy” job – it’s never fun to be crapped on at work all the time. No, it’s not quite the same thing as “pressure to succeed” but the pressure to keep your damn job so your kids have a roof over their heads is pretty major. In addition to the PAID labor they do, they are also doing all of their unpaid labor themselves – stuff that those high powered people can either farm out to their wives or maids/lawn care people, etc. When the only labor you really have to perform is the one you get good pay and recognition for I’d argue you have less stress in your life than people who are doing paid labor they get NO recognition or respect and crappy pay AND have to do all the unpaid labor as well.

    I have a very mid level position – a good bit of autonomy and recognition. I actually bring home an ok paycheck – at any rate, I’m being compensated appropriately for the work I’m doing probably. The stress in my life is not from my job. It’s from the jobs that I do AFTER my paid position – those are jobs people with more money simply don’t have to do.

    I HIGHLY doubt that the correlation of obesity and SES has quite as much to do with “personal choices” and “use of time” as it does the ability to purchase other people’s labor, access to higher quality foods, etc.

  28. Nan says:

    Thank you, Kate L.

  29. crys t says:

    Yes, Kate L., thank you for keeping cool enough to make a sensible response–I wouldn’t have been able to.

    As if the stress highly paid professionals were under was anything like the stress a low-income person has. And as if those professionals don’t have all sorts of great stress-reducing options because of the cash they rake in. And as if those professionals couldn’t afford much, much better food and much, much better health care. And as if those professionals did as much real work as your average minimum-wage earner anyway.

    Give me a break.

  30. Dianne says:

    But we don’t see particularly high levels of obesity in people with high-stress professional jobs, like lawyers, doctors, investment bankers, and executives, do we?

    I can’t speak to the other professions, but doctors are really only under chronic stress during residency. And, amazingly enough, most doctors gain weight during residency. I gained 30 pounds. This was not atypical. (I also lost pounds after the end of residency, without making any obvious changes in lifestyle…almost as though there were some biochemical change in my body…) Post-residency, there may be high-stress situations, but not the kind of chronic stress than produces high corticosteroid levels.

    chronic stress, and also unreliable eating schedules. Going hungry for intermittent periods of time tends to increase a body’s tendency toward storage.

    Agreed. This is anecdote, but…I remember a patient* I saw during residency who came to the clinic for an evaluation because of her weight. She weighed maybe 200-250 pounds at about 5’4″. So I asked her about her day, what she ate, how much she exercised, etc. It soon became clear that she was working more hours than I was–and I was averaging over 100 hours per week** (our of 168, in case that’s not clear). Naturally, she wasn’t eating on a regular schedule and didn’t have much time to exercise. One of her three almost full time jobs was as a telemarketer, which has to be stressful. Hmmm…why wasn’t she losing any weight? I was tempted to tell her that her best bet was to quit two jobs, start a union in the third, and go on strike for a living wage. I probably should have said that, it would have been the best advice, really, but was there a chance in hell that she could have followed it?

    *Some details altered, made composite, or not given for HIPPA compliance purposes.

    **That month. It varied from month to month. My personal best was just under 130 hours a week. No, this is not a good idea.

  31. Pingback: Weekly Digest: June 22, 2007 | Elaine Vigneault’s Diary

  32. Brandon Berg says:

    According to the General Social Survey (the only source I could find on the topic), television viewing among adults is negatively correlated both with individual income and with family income (and was in the early ’90s, before the Internet was a factor). Depending upon how you define the classes, it’s roughly 2.5-3.5 hours per day for lower-income people and 1.5-2.5 hours per day for higher-income people.

    This doesn’t mean that the poor necessarily have more leisure time than the wealthy, since the latter presumably spend their leisure time in different ways, but it’s hard to argue that they don’t have enough time to exercise or prepare healthful food (which really doesn’t take that long), or that they’re stressed to the point of breaking, when they’re averaging three hours of television viewing per day.

    And time preference doesn’t mean the “use of time” one prefers.

    crys t:

    And as if those professionals did as much real work as your average minimum-wage earner anyway.

    According to the EPI, 57% of people making less than $7.25 per hour work fewer than 35 hours per week. According to the Census Bureau, 72% of families below the poverty line and 57% of families below 150% of the poverty line have no full-time year-round workers.

    I’m familiar with the stereotype of the poor single mother working three jobs to make ends meet, and I’m sure that there are some people who actually do this. But all the evidence I’ve been able to find suggests that this is not typical of the American poor in general.

  33. Kate L. says:

    “According to the EPI, 57% of people making less than $7.25 per hour work fewer than 35 hours per week. According to the Census Bureau, 72% of families below the poverty line and 57% of families below 150% of the poverty line have no full-time year-round workers.”

    Wonder how much the 57% factor is mitigated by the fact that bunches of middle class teenagers are the most likely to be working min. wage jobs and thus working fewer than 35 hours per week.

    And just for the record, no full time year round work doesn’t mean you aren’t working 3 jobs.

    Just last year, I was working 3 jobs – not a one of them was a full time year round position. Doesn’t mean I wasn’t working 3 jobs. I had 2 adjunct positions (taught classes 3 nights a week for different universities and different classes). I also had a 40 hour/week long term temp job. At the time, my husband was unemployed – thus had we been asked on the census at that particular point in time, despite the fact that I *was* working 3 jobs – they were all temporary positions. The people who are working poor are much less likely to have steady jobs. They are much more likely to have to piece together several part time temp gigs as well as under the table jobs in order to make ends meet. Not all work is measured by the census.

    TV time is not anywhere close a measure of leisure time. So I’m not even going to go there. You haven’t addressed the point that rich people don’t have to do unpaid labor.

    You also haven’t addressed the idea that min. wage/low paying jobs could potentially be *more* stressful than those “high powered” positions. I’ve lived in both worlds (to some extent) and I can tell you that for me personally (which I admit might very well not mean a hell of a lot) being lower middle class/working poor (there have been times when we qualified for gov’t aid in the last couple of years, but it’s hard for me to classify myself lower than lower middle class because of the level of education and potential I posess) is by far the most stressful situation I’ve ever been in. It’s not even the jobs I’ve worked (demeaning that they have bee, temping sucks), rather it is the culmination of 2 years of constant struggle to stay afloat. There has not been a single day in the last 2 years where I haven’t worried about losing our home, or even simply running out of diapers and not having enough money in the checking account to buy more. I’ve never ever encountered stress at that level, that sustained for that long (and I survived graduate school and all that “pressure” to succeed stuff). I also haven’t had a vacation in over 3 years. for basically a year, I didn’t even have sick days (as a temp, if you don’t work, you don’t get paid – when you are living pay check to pay check, that’s not an option). I’m not buying that people with high SES have more stress than I do (and I will admit I’m not even in all that dire of circumstances). I’m not saying they live stress free lives, but it’s certainly not more than the working poor/poor. If it was, why wouldn’t all those high powered people quit their jobs and lead simpler lives?

    Let me tell you a little about my day:

    I get up and get myself and my daughter ready, commute approximately one hour to work, drop her off at daycare and sit at a desk job for 8.5 hours. Then I pick her up, drive anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half home (depending on traffic). Right now, to cut down on daycare costs, my husband is working 4 ten hour days (plus a commute) so he is not home until after my child goes to sleep. I get home, have to throw together a supper of some sort that is reasonably well balanced, do the dishes, play with my daughter for a bit and then give her a bath and get her to bed(did I mention my child is 2 and the challenges that come with preparing and cleaning up a meal while simultaneously having to look after a 2 year old?). By the time all this is done, it’s 8pm. I have been up and “working” in one way or another since approximately 6:30am. Once my daughter is in bed, I straighten up a bit, might throw in a load of laundry or something and then, yes, I collapse on the couch for an hour or two before bed to watch some TV and unwind from the day. Weekends are an attempt to catch up with household maintainance and chores that didn’t get done during the week, spending quality time with my child, etc, grocery shopping and catching up on sleep. During the semester when I am teaching generally at least one evening class, I also use weekends as prep time/grading. I do have enough leisure time theoretically to exercise – I’ll be the first to admit. I don’t have the energy. There are other mitigating factors for me personally, but the average 60 hour work week (if you include the commute and here I’m counting when I’m teaching, which I’m not doing at the present time) PLUS all the unpaid labor I have to do is quite frankly reason enough to exhaust anyone.

    I’m not denying that everyone should try to eat better and hopefully exercise some. Those are good healthy habits to have. But you’re going to have to come up with some *really* convincing evidence that this is not harder to do when you are lower income. Impossible? No. I would suppose not, but certainly not easy.

    Not to mention the fact that sometimes there are simply more pressing issues to worry about. I’ll be the first to tell you I would like to lead a healthier lifestyle in terms of diet and exercise. I can’t *wait* until I have the physical and mental energy to make that happen, but for the moment it is the least of my worries since it is not causing any short or at this point long term health consequences. There’s simply other, more important things to concentrate on. I suspect I’m not alone in the fact that sometimes, it’s just not a priority. But a HUGE part of the reason it is not a priority is not because I care less about my health than people in higher SES brackets, it’s because I have more to worry about.

  34. Joe says:

    One of the huge advantages money gives to working out is that you can pay to make it convenient. You can pay for membership at the close gym. You can buy the equipment you like (all you need is a 10×10 space) You can hire a personal trainer to make sure that you get the most out of whatever time you want to put in.

    That said, I know that if i really wanted to be ‘thin’ with nice abs all I’d have to do is eat less then I want e v e r y time, and work out instead of reading / bloging. (not worth it)

    4 10’s are killer for trying to do anything but work and live.

  35. Radfem says:

    Another factor in the “what makes poor people or minorities fat” issue that I don’t think anyone has yet mentioned is stress. Chronic stress releases corticosteroids (among other things), which, over the long term, do all sorts of bad things to one’s metabolism, including weaken the immune system, increase weight gain, raise blood pressure and blood sugar, and increase fat deposition around the waist, which is just the worst place for it. So the chronic stress of having to deal with racism and anti-poverty prejudice every day is probably part of what’s driving obesity in minorities and poor people.

    Yeah. I work with women and men facing racial discrimination, harassment and/or retaliation in the workplace and a lot of the times, that’s when they report being impacted by hypertension, heart and other health problems. They may or may not be overweight by the latest conventional standards of dictating what that is, but they still have many of these health issues because of what they face from the chronic stress because of what’s happening on the job and how it impacts their lives off of the job as well. So I don’t think you should underestimate these factors.

  36. B.Adu says:

    The thing about ‘fitness’ thing is that it makes you feel how your life is if you are struggling, it’s just more effort you’ve got to squeeze out of yourself. You work at home, at work, then you work for ‘fitness’, it feels like a never ending cycle.
    I daresay you could point to any numerous thing that people are doing wrong; still eating too much fat, calories, protein, carbohydrates,earing too fast, not walking/running far enough fast enough, not enough of a contrast between fast and slow endlessly on and on about what we are doing wrong, anything but accept the possibilty that the diet/exercise thing ( or healthy lifestyles/choices) or whatever else you want to call it, simply is fundamentally flawed.

    Anything that requires endless tweaking and still fails the majority is rotten.
    I would be happy if it worked it makes no odds to me, I spent a whole lot of time trying to make it all work, I didn’t object to it at all, until I simply could not suspend my disbelief anymore.
    If I felt it was something I did wrong, I would say so, I genuinely don’t.
    The same feelings came up regardless of the route I took, over and over again.
    It is not a question of persuasion, and if it was, why would you think the above would be it? Why do the medical profession think that they are the answer?
    Why do they think that you have not heard of exercise until they mention it, what magic do they possess?

    Whether ‘obesity’ is or isn’t harmful is irrelevant if we cannot usefully prevent or cure it.

  37. A.J. Luxton says:

    Scheduled intermittent fasting != unpredictable periods of going hungry and poor nutrition.

    Many, many low-wage jobs are kept at just under 35 hours a week so that the person working them cannot receive benefits.

  38. W. Kiernan says:

    Thanks a million for posting that chart! Just last week I saw a similar-looking chart in a grocery store, fixed on the wall right next to the scale, by which I saw that I am just barely short of being “obese.” How disheartening. But now according to your chart, I find that my disgusting, life-threatening, near-pathological state of gross overweight-ness has increased my likelihood of dropping dead, relative to the middle of the “normal” group, by about minus twelve percent.

    Now, as soon as I click the “submit” button, I plan to drink a beer, or as I shall call it, a “health and longevity beverage.” Here’s to you, Amp!

  39. lucia says:

    I think the age range in this study is important . We are talking 50-71, right? So these numbers do not necessarily apply to people under the age of 50… am I reading that right?

    Body-Mass Index and Mortality in a Prospective Cohort of U.S. Adults.” 1999, Calle, E.E., Thun, M.J., Petrelly, J.M., Rodriguez, C., Heath, C.W., New England Journal of Medicine. Vol. 341. No. 15. pp 1097-1105.
    Studied people over 30. The results for blackwomen show the highest mortality for the very thin; I’m not sure how you’ll interpret the graph, but base on the mortality rate in that study, it would be very difficult to conclude black women should be advised to take any active measures to keep their weight under BMI of 30.
    I plotted it here:

    Graphs are smoother for white women than other groups because they had more white women in the study.

  40. littlem says:

    Thank you, Dianne. Will you be my doctor (GP)? It does appear as though you are one with a clue.

    P.S. I am in NYC and will travel. My dermo is in Scarsdale, my endo in Boston, my dentist in the Catskills and my gyno in VA. I travel to them b/c they are geniuses who also have a clue.

  41. Pingback: Feministe » Back When Baby Didn’t Have Back

  42. nobody.really says:

    In the 9/11/07 New Republic Online, Paul Campos of the University of Colorado debunks the theory of the Harvard School of Public Health that Americans who have “overweight” Body Mass Index (BMI) scores have worse health outcomes than Americans who have “normal” scores.

    It’s difficult to exaggerate the extent to which the actual scientific evidence fails to support any of this. In fact, the current evidence suggests that what the Harvard crew is saying is not merely false, but closer to the precise opposite of the truth. For the most part, the so-called “overweight” BMI range doesn’t even correlate with overall increased health risk. Indeed “overweight,” so-called, often correlates with the lowest mortality rates. (This has led to much chin-scratching over the “paradox” of why “overweight” people often have better average life expectancy and overall health than “normal weight” people. The solution suggested by Occam’s Razor–that these definitions make no sense–rarely occurs to those who puzzle over this conundrum). Furthermore, it’s simply not known if high weight increases overall health risk, or is merely a marker for factors, most notably low socio-economic status, which clearly do cause ill health. As Adam Drewnowski, director of the Center for Public Health Nutrition and a professor of epidemiology and medicine at the University of Washington, told me, “nobody wants to talk about the ‘C’ word–class. Yet it’s clear that social economic gradient is a profound confounding variable in all this, and one that most current studies do not adequately take into account.” Moreover, as we shall see, the notion that so-called “overweight” people should try to become very thin, i.e., should try to move into the low end of the “normal” BMI range, is, given the actual epidemiological evidence, nothing less than bizarre.

  43. Pingback: Alas, a blog » Blog Archive » Weight and Race; Should non-white women really be taught to hate their own bodies as much as white women do?

  44. Silenced is foo. says:

    Newsflash: There’s no such thing as a culture in which pounds do come off easily (at least, not in the long term). “Cultural factors” don’t make weight-loss diets hard; weight loss-diets are hard, for the vast majority of fat people in any culture.

    Bullshit. If women’s participation in sports was more popular, they would lose weight. If fatty, over-preserved, foods were not as mainstream, they would lose weight.

    Weight-loss can happen incidentally to your lifestyle. If you can walk everywhere you need to go, you’ll lose weight. If everybody eats healthy and you’re raised to eat healthy too, you’ll lose weight.

    Hitting the gym and dieting should not be necessary. My friends meet on Sundays to play soccer, not to work out, but because it’s _fun_, and common where we live. I cook stir-fries and curries not because I’m dieting, but because it’s the food I grew up making. My wife walks to the grocery store because she can, because she goes stir-crazy if she doesn’t. Not to lose weight.

    If you have to fight against decades of conditioning and the society surrounding you to lose weight, then you’re not going to lose weight easily.

  45. Ampersand says:

    1) Actually, studies show that exercise doesn’t lead to much weight loss at all; in the short term, about six pounds. So for someone who’s 50-100 pounds “overweight,” exercise — while doubtless being very good for their health — usually doesn’t bring about significant weight loss.

    2) Exercise plus change in diet does slightly better over the long term; about 18 pounds over the course of a year. However, the longer-term we look at, the less weight is lost. The large majority of dieters end up gaining as much or more than they lose, in the long run.

    3) If it was easy, there wouldn’t be nearly as many fat people. The disincentives for being fat are enormous.

    (Source for average weight loss. Source for “the large majority of dieters end up gaining…” New York Times article on myths about weight loss.)

  46. Silenced is foo. says:

    Ampersand, I didn’t mean to imply that dieting was easy. It came out wrong. What I meant was that a different culture and lifestyle can make dieting unnecessary. Dieting is always a losers game, since diets are by their nature, temporary. In order to change your body – either health or fat – you need to change your lifestyle. Changing lifestyles is very, very hard, and easier to do by simply living in an environment that encourages a healthier lifestyle. And you can never discount the importance of culture – if your family and friends eat unhealthy food, then it will be harder for you to quit it.

    I’ll refrain from making a racist joke about fried chicken, but for some unpleasant reason my mind is stuck on the subject.

  47. curiousgyrl says:

    Interesting use of the word “refrain.”

  48. Sailorman says:

    1) Actually, studies show that exercise doesn’t lead to much weight loss at all; in the short term, about six pounds. So for someone who’s 50-100 pounds “overweight,” exercise — while doubtless being very good for their health — usually doesn’t bring about significant weight loss.

    What about long term? Obviously, weight is only an equivalent to obesity to the degree that there aren’t a lot of very heavy, very fit, people. “fat” is also a term that generally refers to body composition rather than pure body size/weight. Linebackers and weight lifters are not “fat” though they’re heavy.

    The only reason at all that “fat” is used in taht context is that statistically it used to be pretty descriptive.

    2) Exercise plus change in diet does slightly better over the long term; about 18 pounds over the course of a year. However, the longer-term we look at, the less weight is lost. The large majority of dieters end up gaining as much or more than they lose, in the long run.

    Well, I know you agree that “heavy” isn’t the same thing, really, as “obese.” It just gets used that way because above a certain point, most people who are heavy ARE obese.

    That said, there’s a lot of flopping back and forth between the words, that makes things confusing. You may not lose weight if you exercise, but you may “lose obesity.”

    The dieting things are interesting. Is it that dieting makes people gain weight, as some have claimed? Is it that people recognize they’re gaining weight, and try to diet with less-than0-perfect results (in which case it’s not the “fault” of the diet)? Is it that they gain muscle mass and don’t understand the difference between that and fat?

  49. Myca says:

    Is it that dieting makes people gain weight, as some have claimed? Is it that people recognize they’re gaining weight, and try to diet with less-than0-perfect results (in which case it’s not the “fault” of the diet)? Is it that they gain muscle mass and don’t understand the difference between that and fat?

    Or gosh, is it that as you lose fat and gain muscle mass (which weighs more) your BMI stays the same or even goes up a little, and so the fucking ridiculous ‘scientific standard’ keeps telling you you’re fat so you get frustrated because you’re working your ass off to no apparent effect, and that the only way to get your BMI to go down is to literally starve yourself so that you lose both fat and muscle mass, which, HEY, isn’t real goddamn healthy, but at least now you’re conforming to the crazy-ass body standards of our culture, and you may have osteoporosis, and you may not live as long, and you may be sick much more often because you’re fucking your immune system all up, and you may be tired all the goddamn time from exercise and starvation, but at least your BMI is down!

    And really, isn’t that what’s important?


  50. Mandolin says:

    “literally starve yourself so that you lose both fat and muscle mass”

    Also, it can permanently fuck up your metabolism.


    You’ve been reading this blog long enough to know Amp has done bunches & bunches of reviews of how diets and fat culture work. Rather than asking us to reconstruct the answers to these questions for you, why don’t you go back through the archives and look?

  51. Sailorman says:

    Yes, and I think that Amp has often done a bad job of summarizing things–like here–and that just like everyone else on the planet, he comes to it with his own set of assumptions.

    For example, the general anti-diet response to people who associate diet and exercise with nonobesity: It may be true that diet/exercise control are insufficient to CHANGE people who have reached morbid obesity, but that, for example, doesn’t say a lot about whether they are effective methods to keep people from reaching obesity.

    I mean sheesh: if you’re going to argue that weight isn’t a health indicator on the one hand, it makes no sense to attack exercise discussions via a “well, you just gain weight” response.

  52. Ampersand says:

    Sailorman, please link & quote me directly responding to someone’s argument advocating exercise not as a way to lose weight, but only as a way to prevent weight gain, by saying “well, you just gain weight.”

    For that matter, I don’t believe I’ve ever said “you just gain weight” as a response to exercise alone. But show me, with a link and a direct quote, where I have.

  53. Ampersand says:

    What about long term?

    As the link I gave to source my claim said, for some reason studies of exercise as a weight-loss method tend to cover only short periods (by which I mean, six or eight weeks). In the peer-reviewed literature, no weight loss method has been shown to lead to substantial weight loss over the long term for anything but a small minority of weight losers. The numbers get even worse if by “substantial” one means “enough to change ‘overweight’ into what they call ‘normal’ weight,” and by “long term” one means “five years or longer.”

    Is it that they gain muscle mass and don’t understand the difference between that and fat?

    Wow, you must think fat people — not to mention the scientists who are studying this area — are really, really stupid, if you think that’s a real possibility. :-P

  54. Robert says:

    Fat people are PEOPLE – and thus, the number of them who are exceptionally stupid is nontrivially nonzero. A LOT of people go work out, substitute ten pounds of muscle for ten pounds of fat, climb on the scale, and moan – because they really are that clueless. Nothing to do with fat – except the kind that exists between people’s temples.

    To put it another way: you know the average guy? You know how stupid he is? Well, by definition, half of them are dumber than THAT.

  55. Ampersand says:

    A nontrivial proportion of fat people are smart, as well. And I’d imagine that the average scientist publishing in peer-reviewed journals is smarter than the average person, although there are of course exceptions.

    Also, a nontrivial proportion of people who have made tons of money selling weight loss programs are smart, and highly motivated. If it was true that the apparent failure of weight loss programs was caused to any significant extent by fat mass being replaced by muscle mass, I’m confident there’d quickly be a large mass of clinical studies demonstrating this to be so.

    To put it another way: you know the average guy? You know how stupid he is? Well, by definition, half of them are dumber than THAT.

    As you’d know if you weren’t below average :-P , this isn’t true. Consider this number sequence:

    1 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 198

    The median of this set is 100, and the mean is also 100. But only 20% of these numbers are below 100. So whether you consider “average” to mean “mean” or “median,” it’s not true that by definition half of a set of numbers will be less than the average number.

  56. Sailorman says:

    I didn’t mean to imply taht PEOPLE INVOLVED didn’t understand that; I’m sure they all do. I was, using “they” to refer to the folks who say things like “all exercise does is make people gain weight.”

    You’ve probably seen or heard this conversation:

    A: “Overweight people should exercise more.” (A is using “overweight” as a synonym for “fat,” i.e. possessed of too many fat cells for A’s taste”)

    B: “Studies show that exercise doesn’t help you lose weight.” (B is using “overweight” as a synonym for “BMI,” i.e. retaining the same height/weight ratio as before exercise.

    B is being disingenuous. that’s what I was trying to say. Sorry about the error.

    Robert, why are you even going there? Hopefully you realized that I don’t think weight is correlated with intelligence.

    (amp, to save you the upcoming reply, he is probably referring to IQ, or other symmetrical distributions in which, theoretically, the mean and median are the same.)

  57. Kate L. says:

    “You’ve probably seen or heard this conversation:

    A: “Overweight people should exercise more.” (A is using “overweight” as a synonym for “fat,” i.e. possessed of too many fat cells for A’s taste”)”

    Sailorman, I think you are being a tad disengenuous here. because the conversation is not usually, “Overweight people should exercise more.” It’s “Overweight people should exercise more and then they will lose weight.” Or, more accurately, “People should get off their fat asses and start moving if they want to stop being fat asses.”

    The response, “Exercising doesn’t actually help one lose weight all that much.” Is an appropriate response to that.

    If the comment is “People should exercise more, it’s better for their health to have some regular exercise in their daily lives.” Then responding, “Exercise doesn’t help you lose weight” is disengenuous because the statement isn’t talking about weight, it’s talking about health – and those are different things. Weight is NOT always the best approximator for health.

  58. Pingback: Bleucube - My Personal Internet Life » Blog Archive » What “overweight” looks like and why BMI is nuts.

  59. Matthew Karlsson says:

    I wonder if there is something else going on in these numbers. I certainly expected the “overweight” category to be no worse, or not much worse than the “normal” category, but not that is better.

    Does the data account for the REASONS people are in the different weight categories? For instance, many terminal illnesses contribute to rapid weight loss, which could throw off the figures.

    I agree that BMI is not the best way to monitor healthy weight (Body fat percentage is much more effective) but it is usually fairly accurate, unless you lift weights, are an endurance athlete, or have rather bad osteoporosis.

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