I’ll be in New York City — specifically, Manhattan — in a few days. This is a relatively low-key visit; I’m not planning to organize a big dinner, and I’ll only be in town Friday morning through early Tuesday afternoon. (Well, I actually get in Thursday, but I’ve already made plans for Thursday evening — some friends and I are going to see Company.) On parts of Saturday and Sunday I’ll be attending The Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art Art Festival (no, “Art Art” isn’t a typo).
And I might be having dinner with some folks Monday night, but that’s still up-in-the-air. Friday during the day is open, as is Tuesday early lunch, and parts of Sunday.
So if you’re in Manhattan those days (or could be) and you’d like to have a meal or hook up at the MoCCA Artfest, get in touch.
Hi Defenestrated,
I’m a bit confused by the chain of logic in this thread. How are you doing? What’s up?
I must admit to confusion as well. I hope everything is okay, Defenestrated!
Just the bodyguard, eh?
Everybody watch my bodyguard get on a plane!
(guess I’ll have to take it over from here…)
I hear today was a solstice. How could I have forgotten such a thing?
Thanks for keeping me distracted today, guys. I guess…yeah, I needed that.
(more than I can say.)
Yeah. Thanks for being behind me, everyBody .
Ok, now I think I’ve got it.
This must be the strangest thread ever to anybody who’s not in on it.
Hmm. As long as I’m just using this thread to be weird –
would anybody like to get some Chinese food before I leave Portland?
(which would be, y’know, tomorrow. in the temporary, re-downloading sense ;0)
would anybody like to get some Chinese food before I leave Portland?
Sure, as long as it’s today.
Are you leaving permanently?
Nobody sucks at packing more than I.
So, if you think I’m somewhere right now, I’m not. I’m somewhere else.
Fake Duck, anybody ;D