Bunch-O-Links (While the Amp's Away Editions Pt. 2)

  1. River Vices, which is a blog about politics in my hometown, has a great post about the problem of letting religious zealots control government and media.  The post is called Evanjekylls, which is how many southern Ohioans say Evangelicals.
  2. I get some link love, and a personal compliment from Tereza at anti-Racist Parent in an essay about predominantly white schools.
  3. Also, via Racialicious, Carmen is providing a free e-book called “How To Be An Anti-Racist Parent”
  4. Migra Matters on the case of Alex and Yaderlin Jimenez (a good education for people who don’t know about immigration policy, in particular the myth that marrying a US citizen is going to solve all of your problems).
  5. (Saw this one on the news, and found it on a blog.)  A New Jersey High School decided to black out a yearbook photo of two male students kissing. I also though it was interesting that the two male students are black (one guy may have been a dark complexioned Latino, but he sure could pass for black in the picture), and the school appeared to be predominantly white. ((I’m noting this not because I think racism was a motivator, but because people often treat gay and lesbian people of color as invisible.))  Now before anybody says well they don’t need pictures of students provocatively kissing in the yearbook: I actually agree with that, but that would mean that they should have blacked out the other pictures of heterosexual students kissing.  The gay black couple got blacked out, ((Ironic word choice intended.)) and the heterosexual white couples were muggin’ it up all over the book.
  6. Reappropriate on Black/Korean tensions in the $54 million pants lawsuit. (By the way–the judge lost the case.)
  7. Racists attacked Tariq’s Mosque, and the people at the Mosque need support.
  8. It looks like Isiah Washington may have gotten a raw deal.  He still appears to have made the homophobic slur, but not in the context as it was originally suggested.  Keith Boykin has the details. Here and Here.

Ok, this is getting way too long, and it’s also an open thread, so feel free to add your two cents on other issues.

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One Response to Bunch-O-Links (While the Amp's Away Editions Pt. 2)

  1. Anon says:

    Have you seen this?

    “A company that provides translation services and cultural sensitivity training to other organizations is being accused of sex discrimination and racial insensitivity in its own ranks.”

    “To bolster her discrimination complaint with the state, Kelly included photos allegedly showing the company’s top two human resources executives dressed up for the 2005 corporate Halloween party as a black pimp and a white prostitute. The “pimp,” a white woman wearing blackface and sporting a fake gold tooth, won the prize for best costume, the complaint said.”


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