That is good news. Have they done a lumbar puncture to rule out psuedotumor cerebri? (A buildup of cerebral spinal fluid, which causes symptoms similar to a brain tumor). The symptoms of MS and PTC mimic one another: blinding headaches, blurred vision, sometimes facial tics. I had a problem going down stairs, because of damage to my optic nerve. Also suffered from foot drop. A spinal pressure reading over 180 is clinical proof of the condition. The condition made me sensitive to migraines because of lasting damage to the optic nerve, but PCT is very dangerous and can lead to blindness if not treated promptly. After ruling out MS via a MRI, they should next rule out PCT. Sometimes a Ophthamologist can spot changes to your optic nerve during a dilated pupil exam, which might suggest PCT.
My symptoms are different than those — pretty much limited to parasthesias — but thanks for the information. I hope your condition has been manageable.
That is good news. Have they done a lumbar puncture to rule out psuedotumor cerebri? (A buildup of cerebral spinal fluid, which causes symptoms similar to a brain tumor). The symptoms of MS and PTC mimic one another: blinding headaches, blurred vision, sometimes facial tics. I had a problem going down stairs, because of damage to my optic nerve. Also suffered from foot drop. A spinal pressure reading over 180 is clinical proof of the condition. The condition made me sensitive to migraines because of lasting damage to the optic nerve, but PCT is very dangerous and can lead to blindness if not treated promptly. After ruling out MS via a MRI, they should next rule out PCT. Sometimes a Ophthamologist can spot changes to your optic nerve during a dilated pupil exam, which might suggest PCT.
That’s great to hear, Mandolin. And thanks, Emmetropia, yet another medical fact to store away in case I ever need it.
My congratulations to you, Mandolin. I’m waiting for some test results now, too, so wish me well.
Contragulationals! This is wonderful!
Roast the fatted calf!
Or, if you’re vegetarian, grill the fatted tofu!
Yay. And whew.
Huzzah for the clean MRI!
That’s great news! Thank you for sharing it.
what a load off of your mind and all of ours as well! enjoy good health!
My symptoms are different than those — pretty much limited to parasthesias — but thanks for the information. I hope your condition has been manageable.
I had my MRI today. No results for two weeks, but no shocked exclamations either.
Thank God. Glad to hear it!
Good luck, Tapetum. I’ll think of you.
You, too, Daisy, and everyone else reading who’s having medical trouble.
…I’ve been watching House too much.
and that’s all I’m gonna say on this, aside from congradulations, continue in health.
Congratulations, Mandolin. Aren’t MRIs fun?
That’s a relief, mandolin. I’m glad to hear it.