Ok, not so serious question: what’s the deal with kids and boxes? I remember loving boxes as a kid, and one of my early memories is of me playing in a box in the kitchen. My parents had bought something big, and I was playing in the box like it was a boat. Here we have pictures of the Brandenator (new nickname) at 4 and a half. Rather than playing with the toy, he started by playing “in” the box. I think he was hiding or something.
Not only did he want to be in the box, but he figured Daddy wanted to be in the box, too. In this picture, he was trying to put Daddy in the box, and he couldn’t figure out why Daddy didn’t fit.
Now fast forward to 7 years old. I had this box sitting on the floor by the trash. He picked it up, and put it on his head. Then proceeded to play video games with the box on his head. That’s when I took this picture.
I think this must be some kind of developmental stage or something because almost all kids I know of love boxes–in particular sitting in them, crawling in them, or in the picture above using the box as a “mask.” I’m sure a child psychologist or child development expert tell me why this is. As an adult, it’s really entertaining to watch because playing with boxes usually involves some kind of creative play, and it’s often much more creative than the play associated with the toy or product in the box.
A box can be anything you want it to be. My daughter was playing in a moving box. Within about 20 minutes she told me she was a cat, driving a car, in her new house, and hiding.
Also, I think boxes are NEW. leave it out for a while and see how long the magic lasts.
You know what the best boxes are? Refrigerator boxes! I lived down the street from a business that for some reason always had these big boxes. We took them and turned them into cars, tents, and all kinds of things. So fun!
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My favorite Calvin and Hobbes were always the ones where Calvin was doing something with a cardboard box.
My preferred kid-time playthings were always couch cushions.
I could say the same thing about laundry and laundry baskets. Around the same time the box fascination happened for Maya, the laundry fascination began. We have lots of pictures of her playing in laundry baskets – both empty and full.
I agree with the above – a box is anything at all and with endless possibilities comes super fun times :)
Cardboard boxes make for interesting toys. They also make for useful infiltration tools in the Metal Gear series of video games. The games also makes fun of themselves regarding the power of the cardboard box; this particular piece of dialogue is rather funny.
Sydney loves boxes. She loves crawling into them and closing the lid, especially. Not sure why, but you’re right, Rachel, it seems to be a fairly universal kid thing.
Children usually love boxes. I’m not sure why, but I think the fact that things like being under a table, in an improvised tent, and so forth also seem especially fun to children is probably related.
Our cats love boxes too. Is it related?
Bring back Syd and Maddox!!