Let's have a picnic!

Hey, y’all.

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area (the far northeastern tip). Mandolin lives in the Bay Area too. So does Cassandra (of the kick-ass Cassandra Says blog).

I’ve got an idea so crazy it just . . . might . . . work.

Let’s have a picnic and get together for Bay Area feminist bloggers/commenters and their friends. We could do it in Golden Gate park (Personally, I favor the Botanical Gardens) on some Saturday afternoon when everyone’s available.

I’ve been chatting with so many of you folks (for years in some cases) that it would be great to meet you in person and feed you potato salad!
This is a good idea! Who’s with me?

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10 Responses to Let's have a picnic!

  1. Mandolin says:

    Could we do it super soon? Like maybe, Friday the 17th, in the evening so people have time to get there? I promise to bring fantastic eats.

    Otherwise, I can’t come, on accounta having to hightail it back to Ioway.

    Later note: Hmm. You want to do Sat. Afternoon. Hmmm. Might, might, be able to do the 18th. Might.

  2. Ampersand says:

    Oh, I wish I could be there!

  3. Myca says:

    I’m up for the evening of the 17th or the afternoon of the 18th, either one!

  4. I’d love to meet Cassandra! Hope you guys all meet and have a wonderful party!

  5. Decnavda says:

    With 3 kids, it is hard for me to commit to anything outside of work, but be sure to post the time here just in case I could make it. Although those specific dates mentioned are already bad for me due to family plans.

    But if this became a regular or semi-regular thing, I could commit to the early evening (4-6) of a workday if others agreed to spend at least some time discussing the effect that the establishment of a democratically elected world government would have on the cause of feminism, because then I could count it as work time. Bizarre, but true. So please keep us all informed on this blog just in case.

  6. Lina says:

    Do a virtual picnic then I can come!

  7. piny says:

    You just had to wait until I left the country!

    If it works out, maybe y’all could do it again come the new year?

  8. Myca says:

    If it works out, maybe y’all could do it again come the new year?

    Heck yeah! Honestly . . . it really doesn’t take much urging to get me to have a picnic.


  9. It looks like this weekend may be all booked up for me, BUT if you were to do another one later on and I had more time to plan I’d definately come.

    And hi, BTW! (Waves to Daisy Deadhead)

    Also, since Piny will be back in the new year, we should definately plan to do something then.

  10. piny says:

    Damn straight.

    Seriously, though: good luck getting this all organized, and everybody please have fun for me.

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