UPDATE: So I fixed a number of things about the drawing. The big thing is that I redrew the SARWM’s right arm and related areas, just because they were very badly drawn the first time.
But I also changed the shorts from having polkadots (which did make them look like boxer shorts, as Robert pointed out) to looking more like jeans. Then I added polkadots to the shirt of the woman in the foreground, because the sad truth is I just like drawing polkadots. Then I tried to make SARWM’s shoes look like shoes rather than socks, and I added glasses to a character, in response to Dianne’s comments. And I played around with a couple of other small details.
Am I responsive to reader comments or what? No, no, don’t thank me. A medal is enough.
So here is (I think) the final drawing. The original, pre-changes version is below the fold.
I totally love the guy with the bionic leg. I almost didn’t notice it at first, but it’s a really great detail :)
That’s the reality in America these days. A whole lot of us pulling the load (and there are many “colors” in that boat–some of us have it a little better than others of course) for a tiny ungrateful minority who moan like they have it just as bad as the rest of us if they don’t get what they want all the time.
This is amazing. It’s so simple and yet so meaningful. Plus I love the expressions on all of their faces. Great job, Amp!
That is really good.
It wouldn’t help with carrying the load, but maybe the guy with the artificial leg would be happier if his creator let him wear pants.
Those are shorts, dammit! :-P
Love this cartoon. Two specific thoughts: The straight, etc guy’s shoes look a bit like socks. And I wonder if one of the non-straight, etc people could be wearing glasses? Of course, glasses are such a minor prosthesis that I don’t think you lose any privilege points for wearing them, but out of five people shouldn’t one of them have bad eyesight?
Thanks for all the compliments. :-D
Dianne, Robert: See the update in the post. :-)
Dance for us, puppet, dance!
LOL — love it! This one is so going on my bulletin board. :-D
Very funny! And true to life.. :D
I believe that hell has frozen over because I agree with Robert’s comments.
While we’re talking about suggestions, which I hate making, because after all I think the cartoon is pretty damn good. Rather than having all of the non-privileged people looking angry, I think it would be better to have a couple people looking perplexed–you know like, what the hell is this fool talking about? Or a look of surprise/ ironic shock…….
It may give the mis-impression that people only respond to these comments angrily, but you’ve done enough changes, so don’t change it. I just wanted to point that out.
I like that the guy with the prosthesis is managing to bear his heavy load just as well as everyone else. Including different kinds of bodies with different kinds of capabilities, without pity or patronizing! Good show :D
Are the other three people supposed to be poor white guys? I think you should have included a couple women.
I count three women & 1 man.
I see that too, Mandolin, and two of the women are people of color.
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