Feminist Mice Say: Shut up. Listen.

A few months ago, I went to a cafe in Berkeley with my fiance, an artist friend of mine, and the estimable Myca. In the course of conversation, I mentioned that I really think the best advice for men in the early throes of trying to understand sexism is “Shut up. Listen.”

My artist friend drew some hairy-pitted mice to drive the point home.

If you’d like to see more of my friend’s art, Nicole Thayer’s website is Nikki Makes Art.

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3 Responses to Feminist Mice Say: Shut up. Listen.

  1. Lu says:

    Very nice! I am sitting here laughing at myself because my first thought on reading your first sentence was, “Wait, Myca and Mandolin are engaged? When did THAT happen???” English is such a wonderful language.

  2. Robert says:

    The poor little mice are impaled by their signs. Another tragic case of ideology hurting the ideologue.

  3. Silenced is foo. says:

    How do we know the mice are feminists? I mean “shut up and listen” is pretty much a universal mantra for any person with a strong opinion. They could be fascist anarchists, it still wouldn’t change the fact that I don’t own a car.

    Is it the hairy pits? I didn’t even notice those until I just re-read the caption, since I kinda figured mice are hairy all over.

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