Not all “Alas” readers may realize that “Alas” co-blogger Mandolin is also a published science fiction and fantasy writer, under her other name “Rachel Swirsky.” The blog “Torque Control” has just published a substantial review of some of Mandolin’s short stories (including links to some of her stories). Here’s a bit of it, but please do go read the whole thing.
“Scene From a Dystopia” ((“Scene From a Dystopia” (published in Subterranean 4; pdf; story starts on page 5.)) is fanfic for a story that doesn’t exist. Moreover it’s an argument for fanfic as critique, as a particularly elegant act of criticism — or put another way, an argument for a marginal artistic form (in terms of the cultural value generally accorded to it, if not in sheer numbers), even as the surface of the story is an argument on behalf of marginal characters. By its ending, which challenges the reader’s sympathies as much as, if not more than, that of “The Debt of the Innocent”, “Scene From a Dystopia” provokes some important thoughts about the choices and assumptions made by both readers and writers as they go about their business, the most important of which is probably, simply, notice. Elsewhere, Gene wondered why a character in a story was transsexual, then got called on it, and wondered why he wondered. “Scene From a Dystopia”, I think, is among other things a reminder that it’s natural to wonder. If “straight white male” is the default, then anything else indicates that a choice has been made — or at least, it implies that a more conscious choice has been made than the one made by Stanley’s author. Even if the motive behind that choice is, perfectly validly, “why not?”, the choice is there. More
The review is also notable for the first, but I suspect not last, use of the word “Swirskyian” in the English language. :-P
o.O I’ve read Scene From a Dystopia! I thought it was really good, too, though I never connected it to Mandolin … wow. Is there an archive of her work somewhere?
Well, I’m no literary critic, so I’ll just say – I liked it. Clever and well-written.
Yea Gods! I know I am being stupid, and I may get my ass banned for this, but signing this particular story with a name like Swirsky… I am sure that this your real name, and not one that you pulled out of a hat, but you have to admit that it’s a really, really bad coincidence.
Yeah for Mandolin!
Thanks, Rachel, Ron and Sara!
Sara, my website is here. It has links to all my work that’s archived online, as well as links to where my print-published works can be found, and a list of my forthcoming publications. Here’s an incomplete list of my online stories:
“Scene from a Dystopia”
“A Letter Never Sent”
“Dispersed by the Sun, Melting in the Wind”
and here’s a lighter one, just for the heck of it — “Skyscrapers”
I have no idea what you’re talking about. Care to explain?
Well done, Mandolin!
Mandolin, is there a way to send you a private message? I would rather not
explain in the public forum. Call me shy :-)
As a moderator, feel free to use my e-mail if you want to know what I meant.