Meta-Feminism: T-shirt slogans for gay white boys who love multiracial feminism

A gay white male friend of mine — Perverse Adult of Ejaculations of a Perverse Adult, the sexiest blog since blogs came to blogtown — wants to get a t-shirt that would reflect the way his feminism is inspired and influenced by black feminists.

We’ve agreed “This is what a black feminist looks like” would not be the right thing.

He poses “This is what a multiracial feminist looks like.”

I pose “This is what a third wave feminist looks like.”

Neither feels right.

Maybe something like “White boys also want to smash / your patriarchal white supremacy?”

No, no, he says. It’d have to be a bigger mouthful: “White boys also want to smash / your patriarchal white supremacist capitalist imperialist heteronormativity.”

Okay, so maybe, “This is what a feminist looks like / Inspired by Cathy Cohen, Angela Davis, and Patricia Hill-Collins.”

Or maybe something else.

We agree that “This is what a femimist who has spent an inordinate amount of time attempting to reconcile Black feminist theory and the better parts of White male Queer Theory looks like” is way too much text.

What do you think my friend should put on his t-shirt?

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10 Responses to Meta-Feminism: T-shirt slogans for gay white boys who love multiracial feminism

  1. Silenced is foo. says:

    My idea for a wierd “play-on-feminist terminology” shirt.

    Take a typical “women’s room” image. You know, the skirt-and-joined-legs one.

    Add tall top-hat and curly mustache.

    Caption: “Heterobizarritive”

    No actual meaning, just reveling in sexual variety.

  2. Robert says:

    A picture of bell hooks with the caption “I just do what the black ladies tell me.”

  3. r@d@r says:

    i have no idea – but as soon as you figure it out, i’ll buy ten!!!

  4. bran says:

    Whoops, wrong button. Let’s try that again:

    Gay Caucasian
    Standing Strong with
    The Sistahs of This Nation


  5. LC says:

    Robert – I don’t think it quite does it for her friend, but *I* would wear that bell hooks t-shirt. :)

  6. titration says:

    I would buy Roberts idea as well. :) LOL. I think I might need to make a shirt like that… “A picture of bell hooks with the caption “I just do what the black ladies tell me.””

    BTW love the blog…. I say as a former lurker.

  7. How about these?
    “Feminist dick”
    “Fuck sexism, racism, homosexism”
    “I :heart: bell hooks.”
    “Veto WS-CHIP!
    WS-CHIP: White Supremacist – Capitalist Heteronormative Imperialist Patriarchy.”

  8. karpad says:

    “Liberal Pro-feminist multiracial blogreader:
    Generating literally dozens of hits daily”

    I made myself sad.

  9. Hermes says:

    I’d buy the bell hooks t-shirt… somebody make that and set up a web shop for it!

  10. Linda says:

    The organization Refuse and Resist! has a tshirt that reads, “I Used to Be a White American, But I Gave it Up In the Interest of Humanity.”
    Maybe a variation — “I used to be a white american man”??


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