Philadelphans: Vote Out Teresa Carr Deni!

From Feministe, via Fetch Me My Axe:

Tuesday, November 6, is election day in Philadelphia, and presents an opportunity for Philly voters to do something about Judge Teresa Carr Deni, who recently dismissed rape charges against a defendant who stood accused of raping a prostitute at gunpoint because she felt it was a robbery, not a rape.

In a rare move, the Philadelphia Bar Association has come out against the retention of Judge Deni after initially recommending retention. If you’re a voter in Philadelphia, this is your chance to make a difference and boot out a judge who clearly does not know the law, or does not believe the law applies to sex workers.

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2 Responses to Philadelphans: Vote Out Teresa Carr Deni!

  1. acm says:

    well, we did what we could, but retention rates in the region are very high — just about uniformly 75% — and our best efforts resulted in a mere slight shave to her rates, getting retained with something like 65% of the vote. whee.


  2. JudeMark says:

    Judge Carr-Deni is wrecking havoc in Philadelphia courts. Her decisions have led to suicides and unjust sentences and parole convictions. How can she be removed? How can she be allowed to go on?

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