The Field Negro blogs about a recent murder case in Northern California involving a white home owner shooting and killing two (of three) robbers who broke into his house and were Black:
OK I must admit that this case has me torn. On one hand I am thinking that it was racism why this Northern California prosecutor chose to charge this young man with first degree murder under the rarely used “Provocative Acts Doctrine.” On the other hand I am thinking; Renato, just what the fuck were you thinking when you broke into that man’s home with your friends?
Your ignorant ass actions set into motion an act that cost two of your friends their lives, and now you are on the verge of losing your freedom; and if the good folks of California have their way, maybe your life as well.
But please don’t think I am letting Mister homeowner off the hook either. Yes, he has a right to defend his home, but he doesn’t have a right to shoot two fleeing individuals in the back. Had I been the DA I would have charged his ass with at the very least, voluntary manslaughter. But we know how that works; small county, every one knows each other, no one wants to upset the order of things. Heck I am sure the DA was a friend of Mr. Homeowner, or maybe even a family member.
I gave a woman asking for money $1 today and she did not immediately get up chuckling and move to…