Baby Blogging: Bad Parenting Awards

I’m feeling too lazy to put a baby blogging post together today, so go over to Damn Cool Pics and check out their annual “Parent Of The Year” photo celebration. A couple of examples:

Baby attached to wall with a harness made of heavy-duty tape. A large teddy bear is taped to the wall next to the baby. The baby doesn’t seem especially bothered by this state of affairs.

Baby holding a beer can and pouring it into an adult man’s mouth.

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4 Responses to Baby Blogging: Bad Parenting Awards

  1. RonF says:

    Damn. I thought my wife had burned those pictures.

  2. Diatryma says:

    I love the one with the little girls giving the finger, mostly because of the one on the right who’s pointing.

  3. Ledasmom says:

    Hey, the little girl in the duct-tape picture does not have Bad Parents. Look, they taped her stuffed duck right up there with her!

  4. The one with the little girls giving the finger is particularly disturbing, but I also don’t like the ‘stuffing babies into small spaces’ idea either. Ugh!

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