Neat-wow images: Beginning 2008 With Some Hugs

This would normally be too sentimental for me (not too mention far too large an image to post on “Alas”), but what the heck, it’s the last day of the year. So by posting this drawing, I’m wishing all you wretches lots of hugs in 2008. Mwah!


Wasn’t that sweet? The drawings are by cartoonist Xiao Lei (門小雷) of Hong Kong. You can see a bit more of her work, and a slightly larger reproduction of the hug drawings, at

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One Response to Neat-wow images: Beginning 2008 With Some Hugs

  1. pookapooka says:

    & — You just made my New Year’s Eve. Not to mention my whole year. Mahalo plenny for this portal into the cream of young Asian creativity.

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