Guest Blogging with PinkDreamPoppies

As he’s mentioned, Ampersand is going to be pretty busy with his new house (ah, the joys of paint and wallpaper) so he’s asked me, PinkDreamPoppies, to do a bit of guest blogging here at Alas, a Blog for awhile.

I’ll be starting a new job next Wednesday so I may have to cut out for a bit in the latter half of next week, but other than that I’ll be doing my best to write some quality posts.

Sorry in advance for any technical problems in my posts. I’ve not used MovableType before so accidents are liable to happen..

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One Response to Guest Blogging with PinkDreamPoppies

  1. carla says:

    Howdy, PDP! I’ve been a fan of your comments even before the long post about sexual assault/rape. Glad you’re helping out!

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