Male Gynecologist Kills, Mutilates Patients for Years; Remains Unpunished

Oh my fucking god. There are no words.

His name is Graeme Reeves. He was an OB-GYN. One of his patients wanted to have a small pre-cancerous lesion on her labia removed. As she slipped into unconsciousness from the anesthesia, he leaned in and whispered:

“I’m going to take your clitoris too.”Huh? I know it’s pointless to ask, but why???? Well, Graeme Reeves was not your garden variety Law & Order psychopath; he is a murderer who left dozens of women permanently injured. He removed their organs for no reason, he ignored the cancer growing inside a woman’s cervix for no reason, and way back before any of this, in 1996 he withheld antibiotics from a dying mother against the pleas of nurses so that she eventually died for NO. REASON. How the fuck did this happen? Was none of this considered to be a crime?

Well, uh, no. Graeme Reeves does not appear to be in jail. And although he is clearly a sick sick sick sick sick sicko, hundreds of colleagues managed not to see or notice anything about this behavior or reputation or files or employment history that warranted a second look. What is that about?

Via ginmar who should consider herself welcome to post in my threads.

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8 Responses to Male Gynecologist Kills, Mutilates Patients for Years; Remains Unpunished

  1. r@d@r says:

    it’s a curious facet of the gynocidal patriarchy we live in that the medical profession serves as its priesthood. it seems unsurprising, in a way, that the “surgical arts” would attract the hannibal lecters of our society.

    ginmar is a regularly enjoyable read, that is if you enjoy your misanthropic streak to be validated. this is also the second time i’ve been reminded i should put jezebel on my blogroll – thanks.

  2. Myca says:

    Oh my god. I did some searching around on the net and found the original Australian newscast. It’s terrifying. I cried.

  3. Crys T says:

    I wish I could say that this post shocked me beyond words. Unfortunately, it hasn’t: I’ve heard too many similar stories.

  4. Nan says:

    Holy fuck. Every time I think I’ve seen something so vile it can’t be topped, news like this proves me wrong.

  5. Ann says:

    Why I only see female gynecologists.

  6. Genevieve says:

    This sickens me, and it scares me.

    Women are going to hear this (which they should, since it happened, it just should have never happened) and they’re going to question the medical community, which could lead to women not going to doctors for completely legitimate reasons, which could lead to women’s medicine being seen as even more of an afterthought and anomaly than it already is.

    Doctors should have to go through an extremely thorough screening process to prevent this from ever happening again.

  7. Raznor says:

    I don’t know if I’m about to vomit or cry.

  8. james says:

    Why is he unpunished? There’s no doubt he did it and no evidence of consent. It seems like a really easy case. Do they think he’d use an insanity defense. I feel like I am missing something?

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