Excellent Pro-Clinton Video

Via Kate at Shakesville (and pointed out to me by Bean):

The video is in two rough halves: the first half is a montage of anti-Clinton misogyny in the mainstream media (although you can find the same thing from some so-called progressives). The second half is a loving montage of Clinton pics (I love the black and white pic with striped pants) set to a really cool pop song.

The open misogyny displayed towards Clinton by media figures is, simply, disgusting. As Judith Hope said:

You know, no matter who your favorite candidate for president may be, can American women continue to look the other way while the national media spews such sexist contempt? If we learn nothing else from this long Democratic primary season, we now know this: It is still ‘open season’ on American women.

But there’s one element that keeps me from endorsing this video wholeheartedly; the videomaker includes Keith Olbermann bashing Clinton for not distancing herself from Geraldine Ferraro’s infamous comments. For all I know Olbermann is a sexist asshat (I don’t watch his show), but his Ferraro comments are anti-racist, not misogynist. Including anti-racism within a montage of vile misogynist crap, as if the two were interchangable or in any way comparable, is offensive.

P.S. Check out this recent Media Matters column reporting more misogyny on parade, this time from the delightfully fair and balanced, not at all biased people at Fox. curtsy: Chet at Shakesville.

This entry was posted in Elections and politics, Feminism, sexism, etc, Media criticism, Race, racism and related issues. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Excellent Pro-Clinton Video

  1. bean says:

    For all I know Olbermann is a sexist asshat (I don’t watch his show)

    Well, seeing as how, even excluding that one comment, that Olbermann had twice as many clips and quotes featured as Chris Matthews, and 1/4 of the clips overall, I think it’s pretty clear what his status as sexist asshat is.

  2. bean says:

    Oh, and btw, this video was linked to in a comment here, on this blog, in a response to one of your posts, days before I pointed it out to you. Just FYI.

  3. marth says:

    i just watched it for the first time. when the little girls holds up the poster that says “I can be president too” i totally got all choked up.

    thanks so much for posting this.

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