Sydney Gets Political And Meets Chelsea Clinton

Sydney’s mad and she’s not gonna take it anymore!

Here’s Sydney and Bean at PSU today, where Chelsea Clinton was appearing. Sydney: Grrrrr!

Look under the fold for more pics… It’s worth it, I think.


Here’s Sydney with the sign: “My mom is voting for your mom.” Kim made the sign, but Sydney and Maddox helped with the coloring. (Maddox was here, too, but too shy of crowds to be in the thick of things like Sydney was). In the background, you can see Chelsea speaking.

Sydney with Chelsea Clinton

The sign got Chelsea’s attention, as you can see. Bean reports that Chelsea was smart, nice, eloquent, and should be in elected office someday. Chelsea didn’t give a speech, instead using her entire time to take questions from the audience.

Here’s another pic of Sydney, once she got home:


As I was preparing the pics for this post, Sydney was looking over my shoulder and saying “make me pink! Make me pink!” So here’s the same picture, quickly turned pink in Photoshop.


And finally, Sydney’s favorite photo from this session:


This entry was posted in Baby & kid blogging, Elections and politics. Bookmark the permalink.

16 Responses to Sydney Gets Political And Meets Chelsea Clinton

  1. Bri says:

    Sydney is adorable. And I am loving that sign. Maybe one day when Chelsea is president (it runs in the family ya know?) Sydney will be able to drag out that photo and say “I met her when…”

  2. Myca says:

    That’s an awesome grumpy face in the first picture, and the difference between that and the picture when she got back says a lot of good things about Chelsea.


  3. Ampersand says:

    Or it says a lot about the difference between being in a noisy, crowded, and very very HOT auditorium, versus being comfortably at home showing off your button. :-)

  4. Kevin Moore says:

    That is awesome. Sydney will make a great President some day.

  5. RonF says:

    That last picture captures the current spirit of about 80% of the electorate perfectly, I think.

  6. belledame222 says:

    bwah!! love the first and the last pics.

  7. bean says:

    When Kim was explaining to Sydney who Chelsea Clinton was, and, of course, Hillary Clinton, Sydney said that she wants to be President, too someday. :)

  8. bean says:

    I think it should also be noted that when Kim and Sydney finally made it up to Chelsea, she really was great — she actually got down on her knees so as to be at knee level with Sydney (didn’t just lean over — and did so despite the extraordinarily large crowd around her at the time) and asked Sydney her name, and asked her if she made the sign, and told her that she loved the sign and thanked her for it. After the pics were taken, she also autographed the sign.

    Also, this has nothing to do with Sydney and her, but she took the Max from PSU to the airport, keeping in line with her strong support of public transportation. That just makes me admire her even more.

  9. Ampersand says:

    When Kim was explaining to Sydney who Chelsea Clinton was, and, of course, Hillary Clinton, Sydney said that she wants to be President, too someday. :)

    A picture book about a 4 or 5 year old girl becoming president would be awesome.

  10. Madeline says:

    Sydney for President 2048. You’ve got my support.

  11. Robert says:

    Too many hard-left ties in her personal life; she’ll be unelectable in the general.

  12. Kim (basement variety!) says:

    Eh, she’s got Repub’s in the mix too.

  13. Dianne says:

    Too many hard-left ties in her personal life; she’ll be unelectable in the general.

    In 2008 you would’ve been right, but you forgot about the great social uprisings of the 2020s and 2030s that made Sydney 2048 the moderate, nay, the conservative choice.

  14. Kaethe says:

    My Sydney love knows no bounds. I’d vote for her. Thanks for posting the great pictures. I’ve been missing Sydney and Maddox.

  15. Dianne says:

    Of course, the real problem with the Sydney 2048 ticket is that by 2048 a person in her 40s was considered way too young to be president, what with the Clinton (Obama) and post-Clinton (Obama) health care plans and increases in funding of the NIH and NSF, which led to major breakthroughs in life extension (including some using embryonic stem cell technology, legalized by the same president in 2009) thereby increasing average life expectancy into the 150s (though human life expectancy still seems to top out at around 220.) Really, 40something is hardly out of college…let her run for congress or be mayor somewhere for a few decades before she goes for it.

    Er…we are talking about the timeline where Clinton wins the election, right? Because in the one where McCain wins, he starts a war with Iran within the year, which, given the overcommitment of US troops and rather more substantial fight put up by the Iranians than by the Iraqis, quickly escalates to nuclear, which leads to international condemnation of the US, along with a worldwide boycott and ultimately a global nuclear war when Americans have a severe hissyfit over not having enough cheap fuel for their SUVs. In that timeline, Sydney becomes a great tribal leader, founding and leading the tribe that much later becomes a leading culture in the Americas (now known, for reasons that are obscure as the Ampersanlands), but dies of radiation poisoning at 39.

    Not that I’m trying to bias anyone’s vote in the upcoming election or anything.

  16. Sara says:

    I’m voting for Sydney.

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