Wasted Blog reviews "Hereville"

Angela Melick, the cartoonist behind the online dairy / general silliness comic Wasted Talent, has posted a positive review of Hereville.

The author, Barry, was my across-the-way neighbor at Stumptown. Hereville is “Easily in the top 3 comics about troll-fighting orthodox Jewish girls”. But in all sincerity, the book is awesome. I mean, awesome in such a way that I wanted to read it slowly so that I could spend more time reading it… you know? I was genuinely excited for the plot to advance!

The story is the epitome of a fairy tale… except that at every single place where Barry has the opportunity to do something cliche, he surprises you. The plot is so tight, that it’s really a delight to read.

Hereville is painted in a limited pallete of henna-tones that really comes to life in print.

Thanks, Angela!

I barely talked to Angela at Stumptown, because twenty feet of space separated our tables, but we spent the entire two days facing each other and every once in a while we’d wave. :-)

It’s always nice to get positive feedback — but it’s doubly nice coming from other cartoonists. Please check Angela’s comic strip out.

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2 Responses to Wasted Blog reviews "Hereville"

  1. JoKeR says:

    Wow! An online dairy? So, what is that about? Virtual milking? Net-controlled butter churns? Webcams watching cheese cure (?curdle?cook? what does cheese do as it develops?)?

    Sorry, just couldn’t resist when I saw that. :-)

    Nice to see that you’re getting some strokes for the work you’ve done on Hereville. I’ve certainly enjoyed it since you first started displaying it.

  2. Petar says:

    I just got my copies. I love them, and I cannot wait for the reaction of my girlfriend when I give her the personalized one meant for her.

    But they are in a strange format… a bit shorter than a graphic novel, a bit taller than a mini omnibus. Any chance you’ll ever publish the comic in the standard graphic novel format, so that they sit nicely amongst other books?

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