I Will Be At MoCCA, In New York City, June 7 and 8

MoCCA logo

I’ll be attending MoCCA, at the Cartoonists With Attitude table, selling copies of “Hereville.” If you’re there, please come say hi! I attended MoCCA last year and was favorably impressed; it’s a very fun convention, much better (and more alternative-comics-friendly) than most comic book conventions.

MoCCA is in the Puck Building, 295 Lafayette Street in Soho. I’ll be at table A54, on the first floor.

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3 Responses to I Will Be At MoCCA, In New York City, June 7 and 8

  1. Sheana says:

    Hey Amp, will you be at the San Diego Comic Con this summer? I’m doing an informal poll… :)

  2. Ampersand says:

    Unfortunately, I won’t be; by the time I thought I might like to go, it was way too late to get a table, and I can’t afford to go to cons if I can’t sell comics. :-(

    But maybe next year.

  3. Dianne says:

    Drat! I’m going out of town the day before.

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