The Transphobia Almost Takes A Back Seat To The Utter Hackishness

I’m not naturally a bitter person. I spent a lot of years trying to make a go of political cartoons. I never made a go of it, but I think I’ve made some nice cartoons over the years.

But everyone once in a while, I see work by a paid newspaper political cartoonist which…. well….

Matt Bors has the scoop; the NY Post’s Sean Delonas, never exactly renowned for originality of approach, did the exact same cartoon twice in two months.

Not a variation on a theme. Not a twist on a gag. He just did a bad, transphobic cartoon once, and then was so empty of ideas, two months later he did it again. What a waste of newsprint.

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5 Responses to The Transphobia Almost Takes A Back Seat To The Utter Hackishness

  1. Dianne says:

    Needless to say, your political cartoons are infinitely better than those done by this idiot. I also think that what Beatie is doing is cool.

  2. Kevin Moore says:

    Unfortunately, Delonas is not a rare example of hackery. Go through the AAEC site, and you’ll find numerous instances of bad drawing, regurgitated talking points from either major political party, predictable clichés (count the number of Tim Russert at the Pearly Gates cartoons), illustrations of current events without any discernible point-of-view, ersatz use of popular culture grafted on a political topic — and so on. Last week at a different forum I compiled a list of crappy cartoons combining Civil Rights imagery and Barack Obama — all done badly, quickly and several with a heavy dose of unconsciously racist condescension.

    I’m not naturally a bitter person.

    No, no – me, neither. (eyes rolling….)

  3. Meep says:

    He’s not even trying.

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  5. Reminds me of a time 10 years ago when I had to pop over to the local ER for a bit of slicing and dicing on my recently sliced naughty bits. It seems I developed a golf-ball sized hematoma one of my newly crafted naughty bits and none of the regular doctors (my GP, any plastic surgery docs I knew, etc) were up to the task.

    So, off to the ER.

    The nice doctor comes in — he was a plastic surgeon on staff — and is scoping out my naked bod and we get to talking. When I explained why there was this nasty hematoma on one of my naughty bits he suddenly became visibly pained. He did his thing — slicing open said hematoma, removing the congealed blood, inserting a little drain thingy, then stitching my naughty bits back up — and raced out of the room with the same pained look.

    The nurse and my girlfriend looked at me like “WTF?” and I said “He’s run off to the men’s room to reassure his pen1s.” Which they thought was very funny.

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