Rachel's Baby Blogging: They Are Here!!


We welcomed our twins into the world last Friday via C-section. Eli arrived weighing 7lbs. 3oz., at 8:16 AM. He was 19 inches long. His Nigerian name is Emeka. Mark arrived weighing 6lbs. 5oz., at 8:18 AM. He was 18 inches long. His Nigerian name is Akholisa.

We made a video of their arrival. They may have broken the recorded for the loudest birth. The doctors and nurses were all laughing as were Dad and I. They screamed like this for the entire time it took to repair my my incision–I’m guessing about 30 minutes.

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38 Responses to Rachel's Baby Blogging: They Are Here!!

  1. snowe says:

    Congratulations!!! I love that picture. :D

  2. Robert says:

    Hello little babies!


  3. Kay Olson says:

    Welcome, Babies!

  4. Genevieve says:

    God, that’s an adorable picture. Congratulations!

  5. Myca says:

    Congratulations! Beautiful babies! Beautiful picture! Yay you!

  6. Kate L. says:

    FINALLY. Love this picture.

  7. medrecgal says:

    What a sweet picture. …those boys are awfully cute!

  8. sailorman says:


  9. sailorman says:

    YAHOOOOOOOOOOOO! (gotta post twice for twins, you know)

  10. Ampersand says:

    Moziltov! That’s wonderful! :-D

    And thanks for posting that video — healthy, healthy lungs!

  11. Radfem says:

    Congratulations to you and your family!

  12. BananaDanna says:

    Such a cute picture… such cute babies… are they identical or fraternal?

  13. Another Rachel says:

    Congratulations! They’re singing already!

  14. dutchmarbel says:

    Congratulations! Awesome picture.

  15. Leora says:

    Holy Moly! 13 and a half pounds of baby! My twins were each 5 pounders and I thought I had it bad lugging all that fetus around the last trimester!


    (Oh, and prepare for your next three months to be pure living hell…but it gets fun after that. It does get better, just keep saying that to yourself over and over and over again : )

  16. revsean says:

    Woohoo! I had a cry-er a little over 17 years ago. He is half generic white American and half Ugandan. Seventeen years later he still screams–in his own way–and he looks like this:


    Not to scare you or anything, but dang the time flies. And your sons are destined to be beautiful, smart, and from the sounds of things–very very vocal young men.


  17. RonF says:

    Congratulations! Wonderful news! Great lungs on those kids, too.

    Well, you’re in for a treat. Trying times, great rewards. Good luck and God bless you all.

  18. nickelking says:

    yay! and congrats!I’ve missed you on here and only recently found your own blog. congrats again and keep up the great work!

  19. Jennifer Juniper says:

    As a fellow mother of twins, congrats!

  20. Thene says:

    Awesome stuff! I bow down to our new baby overlords.

  21. Dianne says:

    Congratulations! Welcome babies!

  22. Deborah says:

    Oh, how wonderful! Congratulations.

    I’m another mother of twins (monozygotic girls), plus an older daughter. Twins are lovely. Extraordinarily hard work, especially in the early months, even in comparison to just one baby. But they are oh so wonderful, and things do get easier. I think that things got noticeably easier every six months or so, and by three and a half years, they were easier than just one little one. That might have been when the economies of scale finally kicked in.

    I have some lovely piccies of my darlings nestled together on their crib – beautiful. They make my heart squeeze.

    As for your little lads – that picture of you and them and their daddy just moments after their birth is lovely.

  23. Tapetum says:

    Awww. Congratulatios! Such big boys for twins!

  24. Acheman says:

    Aww, congratulations, Rachel. What absolutely gorgeous babies.

  25. Nan says:

    Congratulations. Great photo!

  26. Uccellina says:

    Mazel Tov! I have boy/girl twins, 3 1/2 months old. It’s hard work, sure, but we haven’t found it to be a “pure living hell” at all – in fact, we’ve had a great time! I hope you’re having an easy recovery from the c-section!

  27. Lu says:


  28. Maia says:

    Congratulations – that’s so awesome.

  29. nojojojo says:

    Congrats! They’re beautiful. =)

  30. mary heil says:

    Nothing as beautiful as your babies’ first cries!

    And two for the price of one – I have girl/boy twins. It is VERY difficult at first, I won’t lie. Make sure to keep a list of people who say they are willing to help, and then USE it. One of the things we did was to “charge” by the chore, as my friend whose birthing twins did. I was never offended by that request, it was obvious that they were completely overwhelmed. People really love multiples, so take advantage of it. We’d ask one visitor to wash the dishes, another to do some laundry and another to watch the boys while you get some sleep.

    If you think gas prices are high, get ready for what a hot commodity sleep is, especially if you are nursing. The crying peaks at six to eight weeks, then levels off a lot. My twins are seven now and blissfully easy to care for. It DOES get easier every six months or so, just as the commenter above said.

    I hope your life is as easy as possible, and the stress can bring parents together in a deeper and more joyful relationship!

  31. MadelineB says:

    Congraulations!! Two beautiful bebehs.

  32. Barbara says:

    Congratulations!!! I am so impressed that your twins are both such big boys!

  33. Jake Squid says:

    Belated congratulations from these parts.

  34. tara says:

    somebody might want to give Maury a call

  35. OMG! They are just too precious! ((((makes gurgly-grandma sounds–kissy kissy!))))

    You are greatly blessed, Rachel, congratulations to you both!

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