I Am Now Married.

It’s still Ms. Swirsky, though.

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21 Responses to I Am Now Married.

  1. Congrats! Is it awesome?

  2. Dianne says:


  3. Sumayyah says:


  4. Myca says:

    Congratulations! Love is wonderful, and good for you both!

  5. sara no h. says:

    Aww, congratulations! :3

  6. LisaB says:

    Hooray! And I’m thrilled you kept “Swirsky.” You’ve made a name for yourself–might as well keep it!

  7. Mandolin says:

    “You’ve made a name for yourself–might as well keep it!”

    Not only did I keep it — I spread it. My husband took my name. ;-)

    Oo, it’s kind of weird to say husband.

  8. Genevieve says:

    That’s wonderful news. I wish you happiness and luck in the years to come.

  9. Myca says:

    Not only did I keep it — I spread it. My husband took my name. ;-)

    Ooh, that’s neat! When I got married, we picked a new name for both of us to adopt, since I didn’t want her to take my name, and she didn’t want to have her old one either.


  10. Annie says:

    Delurking to say congratulations!

  11. dutchmarbel says:

    Congratulations. May your marriage be long and happy.

  12. Tapetum says:

    Congratulations to you and the new Mr. Swirsky!

  13. Ampersand says:


  14. Sailorman says:

    Congratulations to you and to the new Mr. Rachel Swirsky! ;)

    Marriage is great fun. I am sure you will love it too.

  15. Jake Squid says:


  16. Lu says:

    Big congrats to the Swirskys!

    (Yes, it is kind of weird to say husband. Trust me, it’ll wear off in 20 years or so.)

  17. RonF says:

    Congratulations! I hope you have many years of happiness together.

  18. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! (((kisses and hugs)))

  19. sylphhead says:

    Congratulations! I wish you love, luck, and happiness!

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