More Hereville title page sketches!

Remember, you can own a paper copy of “Hereville” of your very own!


There’s another one below the fold….


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9 Responses to More Hereville title page sketches!

  1. Robert says:

    I wasn’t aware that Mirka was an amputee.

    But hey, I’m all for increasing visibility of disabled people.

  2. Ampersand says:

    I realize you Republican types are far too straightlaced to ever bend your knees while dancing, but Mirka doesn’t share that flaw. :-)

  3. Robert says:

    If her knee is bent back that far, then her center of gravity is behind her other foot, and she’s about to fall on her ass.

  4. RonF says:

    Which pretty much describes my dancing, so if she dances like me the drawing is accurate.

    Although she’s probably sober, so there’s a difference.

  5. Ampersand says:

    I know you’re just kidding, but in case anyone’s curious, here’s what Mirka’s pose was before I drew the skirt:


    My mistake was drawing the skirt flaring up so much on her left — I should have had it cling closer to her left leg, so that the shape of the leg was clearer.

    Also, I think her right leg is too short. Oh, well.

    And I’m pretty sure she’s sober. Mirka lives pretty clean. :-)

  6. Robert says:

    It could have been worse. She could have been sitting on an enormous male genital.

  7. Ampersand says:

    You draw a suspiciously-shaped tree stump ONCE and they never let you forget it… grumble, mutter.

  8. Robert says:

    You PUBLISHED it once. God only knows how many times you drew it, you sick bastard.

  9. Raznor says:

    I’m enjoying the back and forth between Amp and Robert, really I am.

    I love the second one. [SPOILER ALERT] It occurs to me you never actually see the sword in the comic.

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