Make sure to check out Echidne of the Snakes, which has quickly leaped onto my list of must-read blogs. Funny, feminist commentary from one of the more obscure dieties – what more could you want?
Here’s a sample, from Echidne’s post on the glass ceiling:
Well, the blame belongs to the women, of course. They don’t want the brass ring hard enough to grab it. They don’t want the long hours. They want to be with their children, and to write poetry or ride a horse. They want to go to Africa to cure hunger. Women are just different.
Hmmm. Different from what? Men, of course, you thick-headed goddess.
Aah! That’s why they don’t fit into the public sector; the public sector was built to fit men’s desires. Well, this is really interesting: why doesn’t the public sector reflect the desires of both men and women? Why doesn’t the fact that children must be taken care of by somebody, that families must at least meet once and a while, that human beings might need to write poetry or ride horses or cure hunger; why don’t any of these things affect the way the jobs and the labor market are structured?
Why is a good manager one who has no life outside the job? Who thinks that managers are equally bright and energetic in their sixteenth consecutive work hour as in their first eight? Do you want important economic decisions made by people who don’t remember what their children look like, or who haven’t smelled at a flower or played a game for fun for decades?
Never mind if they are men or women, I’d shudder if humans took the division of labor to such extreme degrees.
What I see through my divine sight, are glass mountains on which people slip and slide in their glass slippers. Only those who also have glass hearts thrive.
can’t talk to your newest greek if she doesn’t take comments.
An older greek
Huh? She’s got comments enabled.
Thanks for this link, Barry, I’ve added her to my blogroll.