
Wow. You remember the awesome “Is Barack Obama too skinny to be president?” story from yesterday? It just took a weird turn:

Here’s the on-the-ground research that enabled Ms. Chozick to pose such a bold and allusive query:

Welcome to Yahoo! Message Boards

Amy Chozick starts a thread:

Is Obama too skinny to be president?
15-Jul-08 06:04 pm

Does anyone out there think Barack Obama is too thin to be president? Anyone having a hard time relating to him and his “no excess body fat”? Please let me know. Thanks!

A reply is posted:

Re: Is Obama too skinny to be president?
15-Jul-08 10:21 pm

Yes I think He is to skinny to be President.Hillary has a potbelly and chuckybutt I’d of Voted for Her.I won’t vote for any beanpole guy.

Amy responds:

Re: Is Obama too skinny to be president? 16-Jul-08 09:12 am

Love your response and your username (onlinebeerbellygirl). Would you mind shooting me an email so I can ask you a few more quesitons? My email is [redacted] Thanks so much!


The entire rest of the brief thread consists of people saying that the question is stupid, and/or making fun of Chozick.

wallstreet.JPGJust like the internet reaction!

This is unbelievable shoddy journalism, the kind that would get you in trouble at the Hicksville Poultry-Gazette,  and should get you fired at the Wall Street Journal.

Next: Is Barack Obama too handsome to be president? An in-depth look at a blog I just created says yes!

This entry was posted in Elections and politics, Fat, fat and more fat. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Journamalism

  1. Robert says:

    Never mind the skinniness. Is America ready for a president who has a serious talent for making distance shots on the basketball court?

    (I was impressed, not so much by the shot, but by the fact that he took it on camera. Could have looked very weak if he’d missed.)

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