Thanksgiving report

It was a fun Thanksgiving; a different crowd than usual, since Becca, John, Aaron and Dawn didn’t join us, but “new” housemate Phil was here (I put “new” in quotes because, although Phil only recently moved in with us, he was also our housemate for a period in the late 1980s, when we lived in Ohio.), as was Phil’s friend Elizabeth. Our ex-housemates Jenn and Kip were also there – their first Thanksgiving with us in some time (how I’ve missed Jenn’s astounding mushroom pie their company!). Plus Anne, and Sean, and Jake, and the “regular” Thanksgiving crowd of me and Bean and Sarah and Charles and Matt and Kim. Plus Sydney Quinn, who is new in every sense of the word.

This is also the first time we’ve had a crowd over at our new house; it’s still a work-in-progress, but we worked hard to have at least the main rooms unpacked and looking reasonably pretty by Thanksgiving.

In the end, there were thirteen at dinner (fourteen, counting Sydney Quinn, but Sydney isn’t yet eating anything that doesn’t come out of a boob). Despite how grim we all look in the photos, we actually had a lot of fun – too much food, lots of conversation, and Mao was played until the wee hours of the morning. (Since eight of the folks attending were Oberlin College Alums, we played the Oberlin rules, which are not quite the same as the rules for Mao I’ve seen described elsewhere on the net).

Fortunately, Jenn took photos! Here’s the cake I baked:

Mmmmn, chocolate!

For the rest of the pictures – including some pictures of the house, and pictures of Bean and myself – go visit Jenn’s post..

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