Jesus is Just All Right With Me

Michele Bachmann talks. Hilarity ensues:

We like to keep track of the, er, intriguing sayings of Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, the Christian Right champion from Minnesota. But this latest is really out there — Bachmann says we don’t need pesky environmentalists like Nancy Pelosi around, because Jesus already saved the planet!

“[Pelosi] is committed to her global warming fanaticism to the point where she has said that she’s just trying to save the planet,” Bachmann told the right-wing news site OneNewsNow. “We all know that someone did that over 2,000 years ago, they saved the planet — we didn’t need Nancy Pelosi to do that.”

bachmann_and_bush_kiss.jpgWowie wow wow wow. That’s some hardcore wingnuttery right there, right up there with the time she spied on a GLBT rally at the state capitol, or got “attacked” by evil lesbian secret agents in a Scandia restroom, or kissed George W. Bush after the State of the Union, or revealed the secret plan to partition Iraq, or explained how awesome it was that Minnesotans all have to work second jobs just to get by, or told us that Jesus had hand-picked her to run.

The sad thing is, not only is Bachmann’s statement scary to anyone who’d like the government to behave as if the Rapture isn’t coming next Tuesday (which, even if you think the Rapture is coming next Tuesday, is still solid policy), but it doesn’t even make any theological sense. In Christianity, Jesus doesn’t come to save planet Earth, he comes to save the souls of humanity. If Jesus had come to make Earth a pristine place, all he would have had to do was get rid of the humans. I don’t think that’s what he had in mind.

This entry was posted in Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., Environmental issues, In the news. Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to Jesus is Just All Right With Me

  1. FE says:

    yes, jesus saved the planet, but he was also damned. He was put on a cross and murdered and raised from the dead by lucifer. So, although he saved the planet, he was damned.

    God left us because in spite of learning how jesus was damned, we still are reflections of lucifer and God wants us ceased, so he left. When jesus is raised by lucifer and damned again maybe Stan will cease our existence because we are reflections of lucifer.

  2. Pingback: Egad, More Republican Stupidity. at Political Byline

  3. Robert says:

    He’s one of the kids in South Park. Pay attention!

  4. Monie Hussein says:

    Seriously? Please tell me it is unlikely this person will be re-elected.

  5. Gus says:

    My god, she’s an embarrassment to Minnesota.

  6. Yeah, and I get more and more hits on my “Is Obama the antichrist?”- post, every single day.

    His race, middle name, the idea that he might actually become president, has set the Rapture nuts off, bigtime. I’ve never seen anything like it. I live near Bob Jones University, and what inspired that post was that some of them actually TOLD me this…

    Bachmann’s just going according to her script, provided by Tim LaHaye.

  7. Son of Space Ghost says:

    …Christ on a broomstick. How the hell did we get such a nutjob in public office?

    And why is it all these supposed “Christians” are completely devoid of compassion or a sense of responsibility?

  8. Jake Squid says:

    His race, middle name, the idea that he might actually become president, has set the Rapture nuts off, bigtime. I’ve never seen anything like it. I live near Bob Jones University, and what inspired that post was that some of them actually TOLD me this…

    So they’ll be voting for Obama so that the endtimes come soon, right?

  9. jd says:

    Jake – good idea. The Obama campaign should totally start a whisper movement among these nuts to get that happeneing.

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