You mean you were in Vietnam, John? I hadn't heard!

There’s nothing wrong with McCain talking about his Vietnam experience all day long, but I find the way it’s framed funny. From the June 11, 2008 AP story “McCain Reluctant To Talk About Vietnam“:

NEW YORK – Prodded on the campaign trail to talk about his compelling personal story, John McCain usually demurs. “I’m very reluctant to do so, as you know,” the presumed Republican nominee told a donor at a small fundraiser here this week.

McCain explains to CNN why ABBA’s “Dancing Queen” is his favorite song:

“If there is anything I am lacking in, I’ve got to tell you, it is taste in music and art and other great things in life,” McCain joked. “I’ve got to say that a lot of my taste in music stopped about the time I impacted a surface-to-air missile with my own airplane and never caught up again.” ((McCain’s plane was shot down about five years before ABBA came along.))

On the other hand, his taste for ABBA is pretty much the thing I like best about McCain.

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5 Responses to You mean you were in Vietnam, John? I hadn't heard!

  1. Abell Smith says:

    Not to mention all the pictures of him from that time period plastered all over his current advertisements.

    But, of course, he’s “reluctant to bring it up”…

  2. Renee says:

    Reluctant enough to make sure that people remember it. Yeah doesn’t want to glorify war oh BTW did I mention I was held captive by the gooks. Oh did I just use a racial epithet, I only meant it towards my captors. Seriously how did this man become a legitimate candidate for president?

  3. Robert says:

    Well, we tried to find a one-term Senator with no military or business experience, but they were all busy writing their memoirs.

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