Dead Sexy

Kathryn Jean Lopez is, near as I can tell, a pure misanthrope. Just read this lovely, snide commentary about Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.:

Dem Sexy Men   [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

At a feminist event earlier today, Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar talked about how cool it is to have men in the congressional wives’s/spouse’s club: One day, she saw her husband walking with a pink box. What was he doing? “I’m going to Jim Webb’s wife’s baby show.” Senator Klobuchar gushed to the gals gathered: “That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Now, my feminist readers are reading this saying, “Um…yeah? What’s the point of this?” The point, my friends, is that KLo doesn’t think men caring about other humans is sexy. Men being nice to their fellow humans? Buying a fellow parent some clothes for their new baby? Attending a party to celebrate it? Sissy ninnies, all of them.

AKlo’s husband, John Bessler, (horrors! Different last names!) seems like a nice guy from her story, seems like a guy who cares about his fellow humans. Seems like a guy willing to fulfill the politician’s spouse role that women have been shoehorned into for  generations. Seems like a guy willing to do that to support his wife and her career.

Now, I’m not an expert in what makes men sexy, but I’d think that if I were a woman, then yes, I’d find the fact that my partner was willing to adapt to his new role with grace and dignity and no doubt sacrifice — Bessler himself is an attorney — to be sexy indeed. Frankly, as a man I like that Bessler was untroubled by the fact that he was carrying a pink box to a baby shower — things that “real men” aren’t supposed to do, or so we’re told. I think it speaks highly of him.)

KLo, women and men are attracted to each other for reasons other than pure physical lust — though that’s plenty fine in its place. We actually like each other’s personalities, like to be with each other, like to live together like the fellow humans we are. I think most humans are most attractive when they behave like themselves, when they don’t worry about what they should be doing, and instead worry about what their spirit calls them to do. Bessler seems like a good man. And if being a good person isn’t sexy, then frankly, it’s sexiness that needs to be called into question.

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One Response to Dead Sexy

  1. Harold Hussey says:

    I think most humans are most attractive when they behave like themselves, when they don’t worry about what they should be doing, and instead worry about what their spirit calls them to do.

    Hi Jeff, while I agree that most people should just be themselves, I do not think that it necessarily is particularly appealing to anyone. I for instance know that almost know one I encounter seems to hate or dislike me, people who known me I believe think I am decent person; however, almost no one wants to be a close friend. I never act in opposite character to which I am, and I have no interest in doing. I also feel that I mostly keep my problems to myself, but the truth is I possess very high levels of anxiety and depression do to my mental illness. Despite having a sense of humor, if I were to hazard I guess most people are not interest in me because of my unhappiness despite being nice/kind.



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