Happy 72nd birthday, Johnny Mac! Here, just for fun I found some pictures from your 69th birthday, which was three years ago, August 29, 2005.
Huh. August 29, 2005. Something else happened that day, I think. But what could it be? What could have been happening right at the same time as this fun event with your pal Dubya?
Oh well, I’m sure it wasn’t anything that would have caused you and George to turn down a chance to party.
Have fun naming your veep today, John. Good symbolism, picking your vice president on the third anniversary of your 69th birthday, and whatever else happened three years ago today. Nice sensitivity. Stay classy.
First thought: “… Diet Pepsi?!”
Second thought: “That’s clean drinking water, you idiot.”
This is the first time I’ve ever seen that last picture. Words (and indeed thoughts) fail me.
Well hey those Katrina victims earned way less than 5 million a year so I guess they don’t count. If they had even 4 or 5 homes they would not have been in that situation right? That these people continue to suffer today, even being kicked out of the flimsy FEMA issued trailers is not possibly the fault of his good buddy Bush is it? How can we fault anyone wanting to celebrate his birthday after all he was a POW and that negates every single act of insensitivity, ignorance or hatred that he has ever committed.
Good post.
Happy 72nd, Senator.
This is an awesome post. I just love how McCain keeps saying that if could be anywhere near where Katrina hit he would have been right there helping when we all know full well what he was doing.
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