Tim Pawlenty Clears his Friday Schedule

Via Marc Ambinder, who credits WCCO. Pawlenty is probably the safest pick on the board for McCain — Romney has four houses and several hundred million dollars, which is not what you want if you’re trying to be just plain folks. Kay Bailey Hutchison would be daring, except for the fact that she’s Kay Bailey Hutchison — she makes continental drift look like the 4x400m relay. Pawlenty neither excites nor angers anyone. Whee.

I still think it’s a colossal mistake for McCain to introduce TPaw to the country on the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina striking the Gulf Coast — good times, good times — but McCain has evidently decided that his voters don’t care about 1700-odd dead and hundreds of thousands displaced. Sadly, he’s probably right.

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2 Responses to Tim Pawlenty Clears his Friday Schedule

  1. Krupskaya says:

    Nothing like a little collapsed bridge frosting on the Gulf Coast cake.

  2. jaws says:

    This Katrina crap continues to baffle. Go back and look at the records of when the Feds offered to help New Orleans and how the city and state officials repeatedly stiff armed the Feds until it was too late. If you want the Feds to move in on states without permission, then change the constitution. Until then, blame the right people.

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